Too Early But Never Too Late

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"Hey look!" Eret yelled, pointing above to the sky. Kari looked up to see several dragons in the air flying if the direction of the village.

"They're here!" She cheered and grabbed Eret's arm. "Come on let's get to the village! And we gotta tell Astrid and Dagur they're here!"

The two raced back to the house to find Dagur and Astrid busy feeding the dragons. After telling them of what they saw, they had Striker, Elysia, Stormfly and Skull Crusher saddled up and flew them right towards the village where the rest of the gang and family were waiting.

"Kari! You're alive!" Bella yelled, running to her sister as soon as she dismounted her Skrill and plowed into her.

"Hey sissy! I missed you too!" Kari laughed, ruffling her sister's long auburn hair and kissed the top of her head.

"Hey sis....uh I have some news for you." Hiccup said when Kari turned to him to hug him.

"What now?" She asked, seeing the familiar look on his face- the one that meant that something was up and it really concerned her.

"You and Dagur have to...." Hiccup glanced around at the Berserkers who were watching them. " change the wedding date to a much sooner time."

"How much sooner?" Dagur asked. "We've only got a month left Hiccup, we haven't even gotten set up yet!"

"How does tomorrow sound?" Hiccup suggested and the whole village gasped.

"Wait tomorrow?! Hiccup, we're still a few weeks early!" Kari yelled. "We don't even have the decorations set up, the bridesmaid dresses are still being fixed, the food hasn't been prepared, we still need time!"

"Okay the day after tomorrow then?" Her brother suggested.

"No, not the day after tomorrow!"

"Three days after today then?"

"Hiccup what's the big rush?" Astrid asked. "Why do you want them to move the wedding up to a much sooner date if they haven't even gotten everything ready yet?"

Hiccup looked to his sister and her fiancé, to the whole village and to his friends, his fiancé, mother and sister before taking a deep breath and explaining.

"Drago Bludvist is alive and he's out looking for us. Rumor has it that he's rebuilding another dragon army." Hiccup explained. At the mention of the dragon army, he could see both his sisters and his mother's faces cloud over in anger.

"That...that....son of a munch bucket....dragon dragon torturer!" Kari screamed, grabbing Astrid's axe from her hand and flinging it. Several villagers screamed and ducked out of the way as the axe hit one of the large wooden torches and embedded itself in there. "Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?!"

"I recently learned about this myself!" Hiccup yelled back. "That's why I came here as soon as I could to tell you this. We need the Berserkers to help us out!"

"Oh no, no way you are dragging us into another war!" Bludgeon yelled, striding up to Hiccup. "There is no way in Hel that you will be doing this to us."

"Hiccup, these people don't need to be dragged into our fight with Drago." Kari said, grabbing Bludgeon by the arm and pulling him back. "I'll postpone the wedding to help you with this war."

"Kari we need you and Dagur to be married as soon as possible and have the treaty signed as well." Hiccup said running a hand through his hair. "Look Alvin has agreed to help us, he's training as many Outcasts as he could to help and training as many dragons as well."

"We need only two people and two dragons." Kari scoffed. "You, me, Toothless and Striker. We own two of the most powerful alpha dragons that have been able to withstand the call of the Bewilderbeast! If there's anyone who can take down Drago, it's us and we don't need anyone getting hurt like last time!"

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