Snoggletog Special

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"So what do you want for Christmas this year, have you been a good boy?"

"Yes I have! I even made sure I didn't track mud into the house!" Stoick replied happily as he sat on the lap of Santa Claus.

"Tell him what you want this year." Dagur instructed from the gate. "And hurry because we gotta get home too."

Stoick furrowed his brow in concentration before grinning.

"A baby brother!" He yelled.

The photographer looked at the elf besides him while Santa looked at Dagur before they burst out laughing.

"His mom announced a few weeks ago that she was pregnant and he's been ranting nonstop about the things he'll do with his new sibling." Dagur explained. "Stoick you'll just have to wait on that, ask something else."
"Fine.... a fishing rod!"

"Fishing rod it is then, now smile for the camera!" Stoick turned towards the camera and flashed a big smile before being blinded momentarily by the bright flash.

"Come on buddy let's get home to your mom." Dagur said taking his son's hand and walking him off the platform.

"Bye Santa! Sorry I tugged on your beard!" Stoick called over his shoulder.

"It happens all the time, no need to worry!"

As they walked out of the mall, Stoick was greeted by the sight of some snowflakes already starting to fall down from the sky. He leaned his head back and stuck his tongue out to see if he could catch them.

"Ready for your Christmas pageant tomorrow?" Dagur asked taking his son by the hand as they reached the car.

"Yes I am! I'm gonna sing Feliz Navidad!" Stoick chirped happily as his father unlocked the car. "Grandma even made be antlers!"

"When I was in elementary school I never really participated in the pageants, I was sort of embarrassed to be singing or dancing on the stage." Dagur said as he helped his son into the car and buckled him up. "Of course I liked attending the parties, I made it a game to attempt to kiss your mother under the mistletoe."

"Did mommy ever kiss you under it?" Stoick asked as his father climbed into the car and turned it on.

"I managed a few times, but she'd always grab your uncle Eret or uncle Fishlegs or uncle Tuffnut and kiss either of them under the mistletoe to keep away from me." Dagur replied, chuckling at the memory. "But once she and I got your aunt Astrid to kiss your uncle under it before they got their revenge on us."

"Yuck!" Stoick laughed.


"Which one is yours?" A mother asked Kari and Dagur quietly.

"The one with the antlers and blinking red nose." Kari whispered, pointing to Stoick who was singing at the front of the group with Rapunzel and Eugene's daughter.

"I just realized that his hair is the same color as the glowing nose." Dagur chuckled, pointing to his son.

"....I wanna wish you a merry Christmas from the bottom of my heart!" The preschoolers sang hugging themselves or blowing kisses at the audience.

"These cuties are too precious!" Rapunzel giggled as her daughter suddenly gave Stoick a big kiss on the cheek.

"That's my girl!" Eugene laughed as Stoick's face blushed red.

"Wait till they get the nerve to do it under the mistletoe." Kari chuckled.

"I got it on camera!" Snotlout laughed from behind them.

As the parents were waiting for the kids to come out of the classes, they asked Kari and Dagur for any updates on the baby.

"Well I've been having some morning sickness and my pants have gotten a bit snug as well." Kari said and patted her stomach. "We want to wait for a few more months before checking to see if it's a boy or girl."

"Yesterday Stoick said he wanted a baby brother." Dagur said as the morning preschoolers started to walk out of their classrooms. "Wonder why a brother."

"Who knows, but whatever he gets he should be content with." Willow said as their children ran towards them.

"I got chocolate!" Erik yelled as he ran towards his mother with chocolate covering his mouth. "Lots of chocolate!"

"I got a dolly!" Lacey yelled, running towards Hiccup and Astrid.

"Power Ranger!" Stoick yelled waving a plastic blue man. "I got blue ranger!"

"Great job little man!" Dagur laughed, giving his son a high five. "Come on, we have a Christmas party to prepare for at home."

"Yay!" The three kids cheered.


"Never in all my years did I expect this." Dagur sighed as he and his wife watched their son and his friends play with their newly unwrapped presents. "I never thought I'd get married to the girl I had a crush on and have the sweetest boy anyone has ever met and another one coming as well."

"We've come a long way." Kari chuckled in agreement. "It's hard to believe that I went from slapping you for being mean to my brother to kissing you and making babies."

"If we were Vikings I would have married you a long time ago, like when we were in high school instead of six years after graduation." Dagur said as Stoick flung a ball of Christmas wrapping at his grandmother who smacked it away and made it hit Striker.

They heard a giggle and looked up to see Tuffnut standing behind the couch with his pet chicken sitting on his shoulders and dangling the most dreaded plant over their heads. Kari yelped and jumped to the other side of the couch and Dagur did the same, only he slipped and crashed onto the floor.

"Really? You two are still afraid of kissing under this stuff?" Tuffnut asked, moving out from behind the couch. Chicken clucked, as if scolding them and hopped out of Tuffnut's arms and onto the floor with the mistletoe in her beak.

"Tuffnut, you know the last time this was dangling over us it caused mayhem!" Dagur said as the bird came over to him and dropped the plant onto his itchy knitted sweater that Heather forced him to wear.

"I'll kiss mommy!" Stoick volunteered, walking over and taking the mistletoe from his father.

"Okay this is new." Kari chuckled as Stoick held the plant over them and kissed her cheek. "And I'll return the favor sweetie."

"Okay that is definitely unfair, the last time you two were under that stuff, weeks later Kari thought she had gotten pr-"

"Snotlout!" Valka scolded. "The children are in the room!"

"Fine I'll kiss him if it bothers you so much!" Kari groaned, helping her husband up and taking the mistletoe from her son.

Stoick covered his eyes and looked out from between his fingers as his parents shared a passionate kiss before he made a retching sound and covered his eyes properly.

"Hey you were the one who got kissed by Elina!" Dagur laughed, breaking the kiss when he noticed his son's antics. "My boy got his first kiss at age five!"

"You're becoming a man little man!" Tuffnut laughed. "Now all you need is some some chin hair, some sort of lack of muscles and you'll be a ladies man in no time!"

"Tuffnut!" Both parents groaned while the others laughed.

So this is a special early Christmas and New Years gift from me! Hope you enjoyed it!

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