What A Friend Can Do

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"I don't like this guy Hiccup." Eret said to Hiccup when he and Astrid deturned from trying to look for Kari and Dagur. "And I don't think any of us can trust him."

"You haven't even met the guy and you're already saying you don't trust him?" Snotlout asked.

"Kari told me a lot about him and from what I've heard I doubt I could trust him."

"Eret are you jealous of Dagur?" Tuffnut asked suddenly.

"Of course not! Why would I be jealous of him?" Eret asked looking shocked.

"Well he has every right to marry her because of her status and you don't." Ruffnut pointed out. "Plus they've known each other a lot longer than you and Kari have so maybe she secretly likes him-"

"I happen to be Hiccup's second in command which means if Hiccup leaves the island and neither of his sisters and mother are on the island to chief it I am in charge." Eret pointed out angrily.

"And that gives him right to court Kari and even to marry her as well." Fishlegs said nodding in agreement. "And besides maybe Dagur has changed. Hiccup and Astrid said they saw him fly off on a Shockjaw."

"Let's see if the dragons believe him." Tuffnut said making a fist and punching his palm. "I don't trust anyone or anything unless my dragon trusts it."

"You and your sister ate moldy fish last week because Belch thought it was good." Bella pointed out.

"Hey it was all seasoned so much we couldn't even tell if it was bad!"

"And you ended up in the infirmary for a week because of that." The gang turned around to see Kari and Dagur walking in and.....holding hands?

"You're holding hands with him." Snotlout blurted out.

"Yeah I am very aware of that." Kari said lifting her hand up along with Dagur's. "I've made my choice already, I'm going to marry Dagur."

"No!!!!!" Snotlout, Ruffnut and Fishlegs screamed.

"Wait are you serious?!" Bella asked looking shocked.

"And there goes my whole speech of how I felt about her." Eret said to himself.

"Wow Kari....that's uh....that's-"

"I know I'm surprised at myself for saying yes as well." Kari said and looked at Dagur. "But it's for the best."

"And we've agreed that three months from now we shall be husband and wife." Dagur said giving the gang a smile.

"Who's getting married?" Gobber asked walking in with Valka and Spitelout.

"You!" Spitelout gasped when he saw Dagur and saw his hand holding Kari's. "Get your hands of my niece before I cut them off!"

"Uncle Spitelout it's fine, besides I expect you to treat him more nicely from now on." Kari said holding her free hand up.

"Dad, Kari is getting married with that lunatic!" Snotlout shouted and covered his face.

"Guess that means I can still officially call you brother, brother." Dagur said to Hiccup with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah that's true." Hiccup said giving a nervous chuckle.

"Okay listen here you." Bella said striding over to Dagur and jabbed him in the chest with her finger. "If you hurt my sister in any way before or after you marry her I swear I will bring a dragon army down on you."

"Sis calm down." Kari said pushing her sister's hand down and frowned at her. "Dagur will not hurt me because if he does I will hurt him way worst."

"Well then....uh shall we head back to our home to make the arrangements for the wedding?" Valka asked quickly.

"If you insist." Dagur said releasing Kari's hand. "I just realized you look so much like your mother Kari."

Kari looked at her mother who looked at her and they both burst out laughing.

"Oh she gets her beauty from me." Valka chuckled and ruffled her daughter's hair. "If I recall right, your father once had a crush on me and asked me to marry him right on the spot."

"How'd that go?" Bella asked looking interested.

"Oh Stoick got jealous and wouldn't speak to me for a month or to Oswald on the days he came but got over it after two years." Valka chuckled.

"Guess it's a good thing you said no then." Dagur chuckled. "Because then Kari would have been my sister." Kari burst out laughing again at that remark and turned away from Dagur still laughing.

"Oh my Thor Dagur why?" She laughed.

The rest of the gang minus Eret, Snotlout and Spitelout started laughing as well.

"Let's just get back to the Haddock house to plan this whole wedding out." Gobber laughed wiping his eyes.

"Seriously what's so funny about that?" Snotlout asked as the others exited the Hall.

"Well I better go with them, whether we like it or not she's gonna marry him and we can't stop thay." Spitelout said walking after the others. "You both better come now as well."

"So you were gonna tell her how you felt huh?" Snotlout asked Eret as they walked off after Spitelout. "You still can, maybe she'll change her mind about marrying that dolt."

"What's the point of even trying?" Eret asked hanging his head. "Even if I did tell her that's not going to change anything, she's made up her mind."

"Well the only thing you can do as a friend is tell her husband to treat her well."


"Well then tomorrow morning I leave back to my island and you shall come the following week." Dagur said to Kari as he was leaving.

"I'll have everything packed and ready to stay with you then." Kari said with a nod.

"When you're there I'll try and school you on our traditions, you'll fir in soon enough." Dagur said taking both her hands and smiled at her. "I can't wait to start continue my life with you soon."

"Well I can't wait either." Kari said with a nervous smile. "And I promise to be the best wife I can be."

"Good night then." Dagur said leaning in close to her.

"Well good night." Eret said walking past them.

"Kari? Could you come inside please?" Valka called from inside the house.

"Coming mum!" Kari yelled back and turned back to Dagur. "Good night, see you tomorrow morning." And with that, she gave him a small kiss on the cheek and shut the door behind her.

"Oh gods." Dagur muttered and touched his cheek. "That was the first time she's ever kissed me."

"And I doubt it will be the last." Eret said from behind him.

"Thought you went home already."

"I need to talk to you, it involves Kari."

"Can this wait till tomorrow?" Dagur asked with a yawn. "I'm tired and need some sleep, I haven't slept good in ages."

"no you listen to me." Eret aid grabbing his arm before he could walk away.

"I'd be careful if I were you." Dagur sneered and jerked his arm away.

"Listen to me, if you are going to marry my best friend I expect you to treat he with the up most respect. She doesn't deserve to spend her life with someone who tried to kill her family six years ago especially if one of her family members was killed years later. So treat her good or I swear I will kill you and make it look like an accident." Eret said in a low voice before walking off. Dagur made a face and stuck both of his middle fingers up at Eret who made the thumbs down sign at Dagur before he continued on walking down the steps.

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