Kari's Decision

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"Stupid laws, stupid treaties, what good are they?" Kari scoffed as she tossed another rock into the pond. Striker gave a small croon and shoved his head under Kari's arm. "I don't want to marry him and that's final, I don't believe him that he has changed."

"Then how can I prove it to you?" Kari gave a startled gasp and looked up to see Dagur standing several feet to her left with a Shockjaw. Striker hissed angrily at their uninvited guests and the Shockjaw hissed back in return. "Easy Elysia, he's just wary and trying to protect his rider just like you."

"So you're riding a Shockjaw, guess that's also one of the reasons why you don't kill dragons?" Kari asked placing a hand on Striker's head.

"Yep, I found Elysia tangled up in a fishing net when I was on my way to make a treaty with someone. I cut her loose and nursed her back to health and we sort of bonded." Dagur said taking a few steps forward and sitting down near Kari.

"Why now?" Kari asked edging away from him a bit. "Everything was going fine till you showed up and tell us all this."

"Because....look I have cousins, aunts and uncles on my island and a dragon who loves and cares about me." Dagur said stroking Elysia's head. "But I still felt incomplete, I felt like I needed someone else in my life because I still felt lonely. And then I thought of you."


"The days my father and I visited your clan and I got to play or spend time with you and your brother, I felt comeplete like I had a real set of friends." Dagur said reaching forward and placing his hand on Kari's. "And ever since I met you I've realized a long time ago that I've been slowly falling in love with you more every day. And when I found out our fathers were gonna marry us I was practically over the moon."

"Dagur I hate to break it to you, but what if that's all just puppy love?" Kari asked pulling her hand slowly away but Dagur quickly grabbed it.

"No it's real Kari! Even when our tribes were at war with each other six years ago I was still in love with you!" Dagur protested and placed his other hand on the one he was holding. Striker gave a hiss of warning which Dagur hissed back in return before looking back to Kari. "Please I can prove it to you that I am a better man now than I was then."

"How? What can you do to prove to me that you have changed?" Kari challenged.

"Come back with me to the Berserker tribe, I'll prove it to you there. And if you marry me it will be worth it."

"So you're saying that if I marry you, you will prove to me that you are a much better man than you were back then?" Kari asked slowly. Dagur nodded vigorously and released her hand. Kari gave a sigh and stood up. "Fine I'll go with you and marry you but you have to prove it. And I will have to send letters to my brother to let him know because I doubt he trusts you either."

"I promise you won't regret it." Dagur said standing up and taking both of her hands into his. "I'll be the best husband you will ever have."

I'm already regretting my choice. Kari thought. But if this is for the good of our tribes then so be it.

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