Pseudo Africanism

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*now I'm going through a lot in my personal life but I'm still going to power through deliver this chapter.*

  I'm getting real tired of these fake woke, no deeper than a tea spoon, "black wealth", "we were kings"  people.

It's devaluing, it's like pornography for the weak minded. To be real with y'all the only vibe I get from people who talk like that is that they aren't happy with themselves and are living in a fantasy world that they've made up to feel better about themselves.

These same people feel like Black is a superior race and IN turn don't want to take away White Supremacy they want to put the words Black over it and make the world run by Black, straight, able bodied men.

I just won't sit by while people run every black movement that made any sense to me into the ground. It is weird! Very inappropriate and weird to be this obsessed with Africa and dare I say it BUT treat actual Africans like a plague. *op this tea is too hot*

Recently I was seeing people discuss that scam artist Umar Johnson and his jack assery. The ultimate scam artist himself as of late has been proven to be a liar --note this is the man that produced and was seen in those Black empowerment film docs "Hidden Colors"  and while I do attribute me becoming self aware to those films I don't support those people any longer. But I am forever grateful for the blue print.

When you become "woke" as the young kids say, it's really like coming out of a haze and you can't just live your life "normal" anymore. A lot of the times you're going to over analyze things and want to argue about everything and just spread your knowledge but once that phase passes you're left to your own thoughts and you have to figure out what type of person you're going to be.

I myself have found that I like education, and reading, and the thought of travel far more than becoming some activist that sells out for a check. Ok? I like to rant, and strategize about moves that need to be made for the betterment of my family and ultimately one day for my community.

For some reason people believe that all the work that a person who calls themselves an activist is to do is to work against white people and "destroy the system" and honestly that just isn't going to work. You can't ignore inner community issues such as misogyny, colorism, hyper masculinity, and religious freedom (or lack there of). While trying to fight something that's bigger than all of us.

This would be the main reason why I haven't adopted the belief or theory that black people are "Hebrews" that's shit doesn't make any sense to me and every "Israelite" I've encountered has been ignorant, a misogynist, a homophobe, or a capitalist and very rarely do I not communicate with someone who is not all of the above.

I don't like people who only like Africa when it's monolithic and African people when they can box them all in and can start calling them "kings and queens" it's weird. It's so weird.

"Before the white man brought us over here we were KINGS and QUEENS"

Like...just shut up. Be quiet. Relax. Take a break.

Everyone who was brought over on a slave ship was not a king or a queen. Hell, just because people were taking from ports and from places that were once large empires doesn't make them all the rulers! Just because someone came from a great city doesn't mean they themselves were great.

This is some easy shit to understand. I want to let other black people know that it's okay to not to be excellent at all times and that it's OK to be a regular person with regular dreams. You feel me?

Try and humanize these people, try and be understanding of the past and get a clear view. I really believe people put 20 on 10 when it comes to certain subjects because they want an explanation as to white Black people were chosen to be slaves. Creating a African-esk fantasies for themselves. That's unhealthy.

I'm really starting to believe that these types of people don't want those people who were taken to be regular people. Maybe then they'd think they deserved it or something like it's almost as if we're making our ancestors super human to help our egos. What's up with that?

I said it and I'll say it again people who say and do things like this aren't happy with themselves and I'd advise learning to live your regular self. It's okay.

The hoteps, and their slowTep leaders really are running rampant. Such a beautiful word now has a ugly connotation. Every time they try and have a conversation they get more outlandish. Then...what really makes me keke is that they love Malcom X...well that's tea for another time.


Thank you all so much for reading! Comment your thoughts below.

I've decided to separate myself from a whole lot of things and as of late it's those people that are so pro black they forget everyone who is not a black man. I am a young black woman, I'm important and me taking a back seat isn't an option. I've entered another realm as far as blackness is concerned. So there's that on THAT.

Excuse typos, and again thanks for reading

Xoxo Ken

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