Kanye acting out

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   This is a real question. Who be asking for these celebrities to be the voice of the people ? like who voted for them to be the leading voice for the generation ?

Rappers, actors etc 30+ are the voices for the generation ? People need some guidance bc if anyone is too bothered by anything anyone like a Kanye or Lil Wayne has said can move along. Not sure...not too sure who was looking for their voices.

It makes me a little sad for their fans because people put their hope in people they don't know and expect to be pleased with ever decision they make.

I learned the hard way, not every black person thinks the same, nor do they see the problem with the oppression of Black and non black people of color. So wasting frustration on people who are openly, willfully, and just ignorant is not something I want to do.

"I'm done with KANYE!!"

IF this is a wake up call for his fans then god knows the will of people is very weak. I don't like Kanye because he's a idiot, that's just me. There is substantial evidence that points in the direction of him being an ass. While I don't like him, others might. But for "fans" to be pushed over the edge by him being a Trump supporter proves that too many people will live through celebrities no matter how fucked up they are. Says a lot.

  To me its weak to continue to pay and give money to people who literally do the things that he does. 40+ minutes of rants on both Jay z and Trump. God bless.

    Also, another question...Do y'all think he on crack? or do you all think he has a mental disorder that's causing him to act out. They say artist are the most unstable. Well that's all..


Comment. vote.leave suggestions. Also, happy holidays (:

  Ken xoxo


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