Black tumblr "Feminism"

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  This could go a number of ways, so I guess I'm going to go for it in hopes that we can have a plausible discussion and perhaps meet on common solid ground in the comments. So please stay tuned.

          So recently, I was on tumblr ( per-usual) and of course most of my tumblr followers are black with the exception of the token white and give or take five to 6 (Afro) LatinX people. Anywho, so I see this post (the cause of a huge argument, again the usual).

The post was a blanket statement "Black Men Ain't Shit" so of course I read. You know hoping for at least a discussion or explanation for such a blatant statement. But what it turned into I jut couldn't get on board with. By the end o this very long extensive post I found myself confused but also knowingly informed to what the OP was trying accomplish. But everything went stage left and crumbled because the original posters foundation was faulty from jump.

Now in the post that followed the OP's original comment it was a mix of things. Of course black men who felt the need to say they weren't shit, black men asking the OPS feelings and why did they post it (concerned I assume) and black women some defending the OP others asking the OPs feelings and trying to explain to them that two wrongs don't make a right ( which frankly wasn't needed).

In the midst of all of this I found myself somewhere on the sidelines watching this train wreck. The OP became clear to me as being very bitter a word I don't like to use against or towards black women but this woman fit the part and she played it well. What really turned me off to taking her side was how she runs a black blog dedicated to black women (of no particular shade ) and it was supposed to give off the feel of uplifting black women. But the op spiraled out of control when having a discussion, more so an argument with another commenter who was trying to I guess for lack of a better word stand in solidarity with her while explaining that using a blanket statement for all black men to counter act the abuse that black men have done to black women wasn't the way to go because the post would (and did) turn into a post of finger pointing, and name calling (which the OP initiated)

So, said person suggested that they all have an open conversation and try to hear one another out in which the OPs response was to then step off of her "thrown" let everything slip and call the person talking to her a "High Yella" wench who needed to be quiet because she didn't need to have a say in her hurt or her feelings because she was light skinned and she wouldn't understand.

Now that's where my face cracked and I was all to done with the post but it was far from over. While I do agree that a lighter skinned woman has a different experience from a medium to darker skinned woman-- of course she would that's a given-- I don't agree with invalidating another black woman's experienced with black men based on her skin color. Then proceeding to call your self a "black woman feminist" or something along those lines. I was confused. I didn't understand the point of calling this other person a cunt, saying that she wished the light skinned "wench" would die, and that she needed to get on because she likes "jiggaboo" men. In reference to referring to black men.

Now I could grasp it. I could fully understand where the whole post was coming from. Of course a deep rooted self hate that was registered in her by the media and of course none other then black men. But this hurt that the OP was feeling stemmed from a very dark place which in turn stopped being hate for herself but turned into hate for black MEN which in turn is still hate for ones self. Tell me if I'm loosing you guys here!?

Her entire rhetoric + hatred that was for black men manifested itself into the love for white men. It's clicking.

  For some odd reason a lot of black tumblr feminist (a word that I now don't use in regards to myself) who in turn hates black men because of their hate for black women think they are being progressive in someway shape of form by loving white men. That in it self is ironic because history literally sheds light that people of color would not be in the predicaments that we are In and face everyday had it not been for the raging powers of white men. More commonly known as Satan.

I do not believe in a post racial America, I just don't. It's literally not realistic and people who have smaller brains think that progression is interracial relationships that are based off of gene cleansing and lightening up the "race" some how pushed America to the point of being "not racist" people don't grasp racism  as well as I think or thought they did. America , the system of oppression, and racism are so deep that it will touch our great grandchildren because that's the point of it. To never have progress. Having a baby with a white woman or white man can never erase those facts. Something I think all people of color should take into consideration while throwing their ethnic groups under the bus.

I'm starting to feel that a lot of black tumblr feminist play into the ploy of having to be strong all the while being the biggest villains in their own dramas. Preaching to the choir essentially while living life on the edge of that makes sense. What I'm trying to say is...being a black woman doesn't excuse your own self hate not your inner racism. NOR does it make you exempt from stirring the pot.

Had the statement been mad on Twitter it would have applied to the larger audience but in tumblr? Where I see a large amount of people at least trying to be progressive and change themselves from the inside out. It just didn't...apply as well.

I think we all need counseling because we all know there is a deeper problem to be talked about. Seriously. Get to a place and start loving yourself. As hard and as much work as that may be get there and stay there. It's a life time commitment.

Everyone has the right to be mad, black women especially but to carry it with you is not healthy and dangerous to yourself your future children and the people you surround your self with. Being black is a lot of work being a black woman is a whole different story.

Comment how you feel, correct me if I'm wrong, let's have a discussion? I may delete. Anyway leave suggestions FOR the umpteenth time. Vote and share. Thanks for reading and excuse typos....

   Ken xo.

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