Review of '2 0 1 5'

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~Excuse Typos, I text type fast.~

It was shit. Simplest way for it to be said. It tried to drag everyone down with it and I'm just glad a new year is forming. Was twenty fifteen even real?

I have had more head aches, and cried more tears, stressed my self out way more than I would have liked to and because of these facts I decided to give my twenty fifteen review early, just cause' I'm ready for it to be over.

Now frankly I'm going into twenty 16 not giving a flying goose ass about anyone's who is willingly ignorant towards social issues and what not because IT IS going to be 2 0 1 6, therefor you WILL be too old to be looking to me or anyone else asking about social issues when the Internet is clearly at your finger tips. I won't be wasting my breath trying to stress to people that I'm black first and most of my opinion or views will be based around me being JUST that black.

I'm not your good time negro who is going to smile in your face and  just casually let you be a shitty person.

I'm not your "black friend" and I'm not your friendly black hottie so suck my entire ass and keep it moving.


Has been really telling if Americas (both) justice system, and who is going to be protected by the law. I mean what did I expect, really? I knew America wouldn't wake up on time enough to stop the fire so why did I expect it to? I don't know but in not going into 2016 with the expectations for justice or for people to stop being shitty humans, as they say "I'll believe it, when I see it"

I want to S/O to all the people that made it to this exact moment and time with me, alive and well, you may be a little bruised up but

*New York from Flava of love's voice*


So I want to say continue to be blessed or continue to have good vibes and try to make it. Not trying to turn this into one of those cheesy tumblr posts where they be like drink water and be happy, cause that shit is overrated but take care of yo' self you only got one of yous'.

This year, boy it really tried to take us all out one way or another, I think 2015 will forever be a memory that I hate, now don't get me wrong I had some good times but in the mist of it all I was clinically diagnosed with depression (something I already knew I had), and my home situation got harder, and well hell SCHOOL stresses me out, and I finally learned who my real friends are, and it is literally so little people I have in my corner I can turn around and I can still see me. If that makes sense. But who got me, like me? *sings* Nobooody.

I'm also very proud though, because this year BLM was the focal point of so many people's lives, we lost so many, yet as a people I think we kept going. A lot more people are becoming "open eyed" but not a faster rate, thing is how many more innocent people have to die before someone in the big seat says "I'm
Tired of dealing with this mess" and try and get a handle on it?

The people don't want nothing but justice and to be left THE HELL ALONE. But you as well as me know they are selfish and can't even give us peace. It's so hard to be out of control, but what ever.

Here's some food for your thoughts.
Police killed at least 1,152 people in the United States from January 1 - December 15, 2015. Nearly one in four of these people was killed by one of America's largest 60 city police departments. Classic 'Merica.

Also, congrats to everyone who passed their exams, congrats to the people who don't know yet but they passed, congrats to the college graduates out there, and s/o to the class of 2016, y'all half way there. Keep pushing.

If you didn't pass your exams, it's alright, take time and get it right you gonna be okay. (:

Much love and all that good stuff.


So I think my last last rant for this year is going to be what to expect from me in the new year, I dunno, then I'll do resolutions on Jan1 (I do not have a list this year, surprised?)

Don't worry tho, I have a few more rants to do this year before I get to all that stuff I just wanted to get this out of the way.


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