Once Charlotte pulled away she scanned over Ashtons body. “Is that the reason you came looking all spiff?” She questions as she looks back up at him.

“Maybe.” He said sounding innocent, but hell, Ashton was never innocent. “Now you best be getting into something sexy and hot because we’re leaving in thirty.” Charlotte rolled her eyes and pushed him a little.

“For sure, now you tell me.” She playfully groaned before she went to her wardrobe and began looking through it. “I know you already said sexy and hot, but I don’t think wearing lingerie would be appropriate for going out in public.” Charlotte looked back at Ashton for a split second making sure he saw the smirk on her face before she turned back around and continued to look through her clothes. “So, what should I wear that is appropriate?”

“Do you want simple or elegant?” Ashton questions as he stands up and walks over towards Charlotte and her wardrobe.

“I need to wear something that I can dance in and be comfortable in.” Ashton starts to look through her clothes and comes across a nice beach dress.

“Hold this.” He says as he hands it to her before he begins searching for a jean jacket which he finds quite quickly. “Wear that with some black flats and you’ll look great and feel great while dancing.” Charlotte smiled at him before starting to walk to her bathroom. “Oh I almost forgot, wear that bracelet I got you for our eight month anniversary.” Ashton said, a smile present not only on his face, but also in his voice.

Charlotte came back about ten minutes later. “How do I look?” She said as she twirled around, her dress frilling out at the bottom.

“You look absolutely stunning.” Ashton gushed as he scanned Charlottes outfit up and down. “It fits you good.” He told her as he made his way over towards her and wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulder. “To think that I might not see you again once you leave because you’ll find someone your own age saddens me.” Ashton sighed.

Charlotte pulled his head away from her shoulder and looked into his eyes. “No one will ever be better than you. You are my one and only, and I love you. If I wanted someone else I probably wouldn’t have given you a second thought. I know in my heart that this was for the best. We helped each other through a lot, we changed each other.” She said genuinely as she looked up into his eyes. “I’m yours as long as you want me to be.”

Ashton grinned. “As cheesy as it sounds, I want you and us to be forever and always.” Charlotte smiled widely and looked at him fondly before she leaned in and pecked his lips softly. “I love you.” He whispered against Charlottes lips.

“I love you too.” Charlotte grinned and rested her forehead against Ashtons as his arms hold her close to him, beginning to rub Charlottes back with his masculine, slender hands.

“Aww, you too are so cute!” A feminine voice gushed from the doorway making both Charlotte and Ashton turn towards it only to see a grinning Poppy at the door. Lucas was next to her, shaking his head.

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