Chapter 6 - Ashton

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“A man does what he must - in spite of personal consequences, in spite of obstacles and dangers and pressures - and that is the basis of all human morality.”


-Winston Churchill


 Ashton's POV

All I was thinking about was Charlotte. That may sound like some scary pedophile who jerks off to photos of younger girls, but trust me I am not. There’s just something about her that I couldn’t get out of my mind. So that led me to stealing glances at her in class, and also asking her up to see me this fine Thursday. Oh who am I kidding, it is probably the coldest day of November. It helps that I have no heat to warm my, may I mention, crappy apartment.

            As Charlottes class was ending I asked her to stay after so I could talk to her, and that wasn’t a complete lie. I wanted to talk to her and hear her soothing voice that I couldn’t get out of my head. It was kind of annoying yet comforting, because I knew that every day I had something to look forward to everyday.

            The first words I hear her say when it was just her and I in the classroom had to be one of the most unusual things. You don’t just hear people saying “F*ck my life” with a blush on their faces. Then again she was furiously blushing which would explain what she said a little bit.

            Eventually she asked why she had been called to stay behind after class, and I told her the truth, “I just wanted to talk to you I guess. Truthfully, I like talking to you. You are cute and easy to talk to.”

                However, what shocked me a bit was her stepping up and kissing me. I was not going to let her feel like she was kissing a wall because quite frankly I have been wanting to feel her lips on mine since the first day I met her.

                After a little bit we pulled away to catch our breaths, and I stood there shocked as she ran out of the classroom. I was in shock until the warning bell rang taking me out of my shocked state. Boy, has this been an interesting first week so far.


            The end of the day couldn’t have arrived sooner. I was ready to go home, curl up on the couch and watch some crappy movie that’s on.

            All I’ve been thinking about was the kiss. Thankfully, I had decided this morning to assigned all my classes a different writing essay, Nevertheless, that gave me time to think about Charlottes lips on mine, and how perfect it felt.

            I think I’m love struck, and quite frankly that’s a bad thing. I would love to have her be mine but she’s my student. There’s that but that had to ruin it all. One thing I wish was that I wasn’t her teacher so I could possibly date her, but then again I may never met her if I didn’t get this job.

            So, I’m kind of thinking that this job was actually helpful. Though it makes my, hopefully, relationship with her hard because we can’t just be open with the relationship that we have. Everything with us would have to happen behind closed doors.

The English Teacher {Student/Teacher}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ