Chapter 26 - Ashton

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“To be trusted is a greater compliment than being loved.”

-George MacDonald

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Chapter 26 - Ashton

“I’m sorry she never got her miracle.”

“She did, it was you.”

On my left side I have Chase sobbing on Liam’s shoulder, and to my right I have Charlotte placing light kisses to the side of my neck. No matter how hard she tried to mask it, I could tell she was crying just as much as Chase was. A Walk to Remember is a sad movie so I can’t blame the two.

“But our love is like the wind, I can’t see it, but I can feel it.”

I held Charlotte close to my side and placed a light kiss to the top of her head as I rubbed her back soothingly. “Shh, honey.” I continuously repeated in a soft tone, telling her that it’s alright and how it’s just a movie. I’d never seen someone other than my mum cry so hard at this movie. I mean, yeah it is a sad movie, but it’s not like it’s a life threatening situation. Um, oh yeah Ashton. Leukemia is a life threatening situation, the different stages a person has of it just measures the intensity of it. You self centred bastard!

A puff of breath is let out from my mouth, making it go into Charlotte’s hair making her squirm a little. “Stop making my head warm.” She said every time I did it.

“But I want to make you hot headed.” Would always be my response. Charlotte wasn’t at all hot headed, but she was hot when she started to get angry; really hot. “Did your mum say when you have to get home?” I mumbled quietly, for surely into her blond hair making her nose scrunch up a little bit.

“Not really, I mean all she said with a puff, “You two need time apart, I don’t get how you two can spend so much time together. It’s unhealthy,” so I’m guessing I can stay over however long I want, or until she calls me complaining about why I’m not home yet.” She told me all with a devilish smirk on her face as she glanced to see Chase and Liam leaving to the kitchen. In one swift movement she was straddling me, her eyes locked on my own. “We’re too in love I’d like to say to her, but that will only start her off on another rampage.”   

I smile a little because it’s true, we’re too in love for our own liking but we for surely aren’t complaining. My arms wrap tightly around Charlottes torso as I smile up at her with a heart warming smile which she gladly returns.

“Will you dance with me?” She questions softly as she begins to slowly stand up dragging me along with her. “We need to learn eachothers strengths and weaknesses if we are going to grow old together.” Her voice came out jokingly, but to me it held so much meaning. What if I was actually thinking of spending all of eternity with this girl? There’s no crime against that, right?

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