Chapter 3 - Charlotte

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“A loving heart is the beginning of all knowledge.”

-Thomas Carlyle

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 Charlotte's POV

            Beep. Beep. Beep.


            I groan as I slam my hand against the snooze button, pulling the covers over my head. I savor the next five minutes before the alarm goes off again. Not wanting to be late, I finally stand up to get ready.

            With many experience of Mondays, I’ve learned that I absolutely hate getting up and don’t want to do any work in the mornings so I decided to pick out my outfits the night before so I don’t end up going to school in leggings and an old t-shirt. I’ve done it before actually, but in defense I was taking a 3 hour plane trip to Washington DC in 8th grade so I had reasoning.

            My mind starts to drift to what I dreamt about. Whatever it is that I dream about, I can never find it weird. Like I could see Ariana Grande in an astronaut’s suit and think it’s normal. I don’t know why that is but I believe it’s because I think anything could happen. I believe in the weirdest things. That or my friends are so messed up that weird isn’t weird to me anymore.

            I put on the outfit I picked out last night, did my makeup, did my hair and packed my book bag (outfit on the side if you actually care). I grab a muffin for the ride to school and head out to my car. Just like every other time I’m driving, I turn on the radio to some pop station hoping it will help me wake up. The song on was some slow song and for the second time this morning, I groan. It sounded like the last verse so I stayed on the station hoping for a more upbeat song. It’s almost like the radio host read my mind really.

            The next song playing was Shots by LMFAO which had definitely woke me up. I danced along to the song until I realized how weird I looked to other people right now. I look to the car right next to me to see a guy looking over at me at the same time frantically. I giggle and start to check him out through the car windows. He looked about mid-twenties with light brown hair and what looked like blue eyes. It’s hard to see though the windows. He sped off before I could determine the color of his eyes. I start driving too when I hear the car behind me honk.

            I arrive at school only 4 minutes later with Mystery Man on my mind. Who was he? I walk into the school and head towards my locker, going to collect my books from my locker as well as drop off my jacket. I usually don’t wear jackets to school but it is mid-November and it’s starting to get cold out.

            I reach my locker to find Poppy standing there searching the mass of people for someone. Probably me when I think about it. She is standing at my locker.

            “Hey, Pop-Tart whatcha doing there?” Pop-Tart has been her nickname since we went to Wal-Mart together and she almost bought about 20 boxes of Pop-Tarts. She finally put 19 of them back when she realized how much they’d cost.

            “There’s a new English teacher and people are saying he’s totally hot!”

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