Chapter 7 - Charlotte

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“Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others make it happen.”

-Michael Jordan

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 Charlotte's POV

As soon as I realized I kissed Ash- I mean Mr. Keiler, I immediately pulled away and did the only thing I could think of. Run. 

I know, I know. I’m an idiot. I mean, who runs away after kissing someone?! Apparently me so… And I was just so ashamed. Things like this make teachers lose jobs and students being expelled. If I’m going to get into a good college, I can’t be expelled for canoodling with my teacher. My future depends on this.

The first thing I did was tell Poppy. She’s my best friend; she wouldn’t tell anyone and wouldn’t judge me. Plus, who else would I tell?! My mother?! She would be pissed if she found out about this.  This is why English teachers are supposed to be old men with grey hair, not sexy brown hair and such kissable lips.

The day passed by a blur. I decided that since 7th period is my free period, that I would go and talk to Mr. Keiler about the day before.

From the second I said “Can I talk to you?”  I regretted my decision. I shouldn’t have come here. I should have just ignored him for the rest of the year and then when I graduated everything would be fine again and I could date him if I wanted to.

“Of course, what’s on your mind?” he says with a smile. Damn him and his sexiness. I close the door and walk over to his desk. We don’t want anyone overhearing this.

‘I, uhh, I wanted to say that yesterday was a mistake,” a look of hurt flashes across his face and I instantly regretted saying that. I shouldn’t have done this.

“But I thought-”

“Yeah I know you thought. But that shouldn’t have happened. You’re my teacher, I’m your student. Things like this only happen in books.”

“I jus-”

“No, this can’t happen,” I interrupt him again. Won’t he get the hint?

“Just let me talk, okay?!” I nod my head, wondering what he has to say.

“Listen, from the moment I saw you in your car, I’ve liked you. You being my student isn’t going to change that. I like you. The kiss from yesterday was… it was amazing,” I blush at this, knowing I felt the same, “and I’ve been waiting to do that again.”

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