Chapter 24 - Ashton

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"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”


-William Shakespeare



 Ashton's POV

“Hey, Charlotte.” My voice came out a little strained. I hated the fact that I basically put her in this hospital; I broke her.

However, I had to admit it to myself first, but this wasn't fully my fault; it was Chris's. The douchebag excuse of a teacher.

I always thought that Charlotte and I would be happy together without any concern, but even I'm wrong sometimes. I'd like to of been right about just me and Charlotte living out lives in full blown happiness, but I'm never right about anything nowadays.

"Hey." Charlotte replied in her sleepy voice, making me smile as I watched her move up in her bed, or at least trying to. "Could you help me? I hate hospital beds so much." She let out a light chuckle as I walked over to help her up.

"Can I tell you something?" My voice came out a little shaky as Charlotte gives me a faint nod to continue. "Chris wants to have sex with me in order to keep this," I motion between the two of us. "a secret."

I can see Charlotte stiffen a little as she nodded slightly. "Are you going to?" She asked hesitantly, a frown plastered on her face.

"I don't know. I mean, I don't want to because I don't want to feel like I'm cheating on you, but yet I want to so our relationship stays a secret."

"Maybe this doesn't have to stay a secret." Charlotte whispered, catching me off guard.


"I got an early acceptance letter a couple days ago to the University of Minnesota. I'm thinking about going." She shrugged.

"Is the M where you want to go?" I question as I sit on the side of her bed, Indian style, looking up at her.

"I don't know. I mean, I want to go because then we can be somewhat open with our relationship and I can start college sooner than later, but then I'd be missing out on the rest of the High School experience."

"I'm nothing but a teacher and a boyfriend, so I can't make this decision for you, but I think you should finish school before starting college. I don't care if we have to wait a lifetime till we can be open with our relationship because you are worth waiting for." A huge grin crosses both mine and Charlottes face as I look at her lovingly. “I would wait an eternity if it meant that we could be together one day.”

“You are my infinity.” I lean up and peck her lips with a smile on my face.

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