Chapter 4 - Ashton

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"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."

--Leo F. Buscaglia

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 Ashton's POV

            Waking up in the morning isn’t one of my best strengths. I’ve never been a morning person to begin with, so it was always hard for me to wake up early to start another day of school. Half the time I would fight to wake up but I learned to wake up otherwise my older brother Max would pour ice cold water on me. It was a lovely wake up call. Nevertheless, I learned to stop fighting and avoid ice cold water.

            So, I got my butt out of bed after warming up a bit. It kind of felt like I was still being drenched with ice cold water just not with my brother chuckling in the background and the dampness of the sheets. That’s the joy of crappy apartments I guess.

            It took a little while for it to finally dawn on me that I was starting my new job today. Teaching cocky, horny seniors will be fun, but it will feel like I’m teaching myself because I am probably the definition of cocky.  I mean, I’m a sex God sent from the great God’s themselves. Yeah, if that doesn’t define cocky then I don’t know what does besides myself anyways.

I end up putting on my skinny jeans and went out to my kitchen and start brewing a cup of coffee, I need enough energy to actually be able to get in my car. As it was brewing, I made my way back into my room to grab my shirt and blazer, and headed out towards the bathroom, which was across the hall from my bedroom.

            Entering the bathroom, I grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, and brush my teeth. Then I move to my hair, shaking my head to give it that messy effect and then run my hand through it a few times to make it look extremely sexy. I pull my shirt on and add my blazer as I put on my cologne which smells like pine trees. It’s my favorite.

            Finishing up with my “morning” routine, I go back into the kitchen pour a cup of coffee, slip my shoes on, and grab my car keys while heading out of my apartment heading down the stairs. While I’m heading out the front doors of the apartment complex I check my phone for the time which was 8:02. That gave me enough time to get to school before I was late.

            As I hopped into my car I was starting to wake up a little but it would take me a while to do so. I drove down the many roads that led to Oak Grove High School still feeling very drowsy. All I needed was a boost of energy, and then I would be fine.

            But, coffee wasn’t working so that only meant one thing. Shots.

            Something that would wake me up instantly, something that I desperately needed at the moment. For sure, I was not going to go to a bar and slam some shots, you would be silly to think that. There is such a thing as a song called Shots, and that is what wakes me up and gets me moving. It’s an energizer.

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