Chapter 29 - Charlotte

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“Life is a song - sing it. Life is a game - play it. Life is a challenge - meet it. Life is a dream - realize it. Life is a sacrifice - offer it. Life is love - enjoy it.”


-Sai Baba

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Chapter 29 - Charlotte

The rest of the week, Ashton was still on edge about running into Chris, making it hard for him to be in the school without looking at the door every two seconds. I feel bad for him. Maybe this will affect us with having sex in the future. I thought we were already gonna have enough troubles with me and having sex. I don’t think that I’m ready or that I will be ready anytime in the future. Is it the same for guys? Like with the guy on guy contact because that’s...different.

Finals week finally ended. Ashton made sure I ate and didn’t overstudy like what I was doing before. I’m sure I did good on them, but I’m not completely sure. Ashton isn’t allowed to tell me how I did on my English one, but he said I did good. He probably hasn’t even looked at it and is just telling me that to make me feel better.

As I’m looking at myself in the mirror, I notice how different I looked from the start of this year. They’re subtle changes but still there. My hair is a shade darker, my eyes are brighter and I look old. But not in a bad way. I look like a college kid, about to go to my next class or to a coffee shop to read and fall in love. But being with Ashton prevents the “falling in love” part of it. I look more confident, and not that scared girl, afraid that she’ll never find someone to love and to hold.

My mum told me that I would find a boyfriend this year and that she just knew. Surprisingly enough, she was right. This was my year. I managed to find new friends and even a boyfriend, even though the relationship is illegal and shunned upon.

Speaking of the devil, Mum comes in and covers her mouth with her hand. I look away from the mirror and face her, smiling widely. She pulls me into a tight hug which made it hard to breathe but I actually don’t mind.

Today is graduation. After they call my name and I get my diploma, I’m free to date Ashton. Well I probably have to get out of the school first but same thing. After this, I don’t have to worry about getting caught when we go to get coffee or like last week with McDonald’s.

But most of all, I don’t have to do homework or study like crazy. It gets plenty stressful after sixteen years. To believe that I’ve been in school for sixteen years is crazy, even if the first few years are easy and just there so our parents can get rid of us for a few hours a day.

“You’re all grown up,” Mum says, hugging me still.

“I’m only 18, Mum.” I say. She’s started to cry and I can’t tell if they’re tears of happiness or sadness.

“But soon you’re going to be moving out and getting married and having babies.”

“Once again, I’m only 18.”

“I know. Promise you’ll come back and visit?” She sniffles.

“I’ll only be 45 minutes away. I can come back every weekend. After all, I do have to visit Ashton.” I joke. She laughs and pulls away, tears still in her eyes.

“Let’s get going; we’re gonna meet Ashton there.” Mum says, fixing the hat. It’s a really weird hat that fits quite weirdly. Good thing I only have to wear it once.

The gymnasium was set up with a stage and only about 5 million chairs lined up. There’s already about 50 people here, taking up a majority of the chairs. I’m worried there won’t be enough for everyone. We sit somewhere near the front, next to Summer Anderson’s family. We were best friends in 1st grade. She smiles at me and I smile back.

Only 10 minutes later, the valedictorian comes out and gives one of the cheesy speeches you’d see in movies. I didn’t actually believe before then that the speech was that cheesy but it is.

Thankfully, my last name was in the D’s (hehe) which meant that my name was called earlier on instead of if I had the last name Keiler which would be towards the end. But that also meant that I had to sit through the rest of them, waiting to get out of there. It took about an hour but I didn’t exactly have the time.

Finally, it ended and we all went outside. Including the teachers. I meet up with Poppy and hug her, proud of both of us. We’ve been friends ever since we were in 6th grade and here we are, graduating.

“I can’t believe we’re college kids. It seems like just yesterday we were playing Barbies in your room.” Poppy says, a few tears forming in her eyes.

“It’s crazy how fast time goes. Especially when you’re having fun.” I bubble in laughter, pulling her into another hug. A few tears form in my eyes because this is just hard to believe.

We do the thing where we throw our caps up in the air and then I see Ashton, who had his hands in his pockets and was grinning from across the field. I run over to him and jump on him, wrapping my legs around his torso. His lips meet mine and we kiss passionately, right there in front of everyone. I hear a few gasps and whispers. If I were them, I would probably do the same. It’s completely unexpected and different from what you’d normally see. We can’t get in trouble now. Because right now, we’re free and we can’t be stopped because the school doesn’t control us anymore. We control ourselves.

I pull away breathing heavily. “I did it. We did it.” Trails out of my mouth breathlessly before our lips collide again in another passionate kiss.

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