Chapter 8 - Ashton

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“Romance is tempestuous. Love is calm.”

-Mason Cooley         


 Ashton's POV

Sunday had rolled around quicker than expected. This was the first weekend in a long time that I was able to spend with Max.

                Though, this weekend was different. I ended up telling Max and Cody everything about Charlotte, and also how I was head over heels in love with her. While I was talking about Charlotte I sensed Cody wasn’t telling me something, and it kind of bugged me.

But I was finally in bed after a long day of sitting around watching movies and such. All my thoughts flushed out of my mind as I started dosing off. The last thought I had was of something that became secured in my mind.

Charlotte and the kiss.


            I wasn’t going to lie but I did not want to go to work today. Work basically ruined my weekend when I realized I had to get up and go still. But it was a place that I got to see the one person who made me happy no matter what.

            It was currently 3rd period, and I was sitting at my desk trying to grade papers. Key word, trying.

            I had today all planed out. In the morning I would teach, then at lunch I would go and meet Cody and Max to eat, then make it back and teach again, and then go home and do whatever I felt like. I love my life.

            Five minutes and 4th period would start. Charlotte is like my drug. When I’m not around her I’m unsatisfied and can’t get her out of my mind, but when I am around her I feel whole and happy for the time being.

            In my opinion the bell rang too soon because everyone started to flutter in and scurry over to their desks. All I was doing was stealing glances at Charlotte.

            With 15 minutes left, the door opened to reveal Max walking in dragging along a happy Cody.

            “What are you two doing here?” Before I was given an answer I heard a scream from the middle of the classroom.

            “Cody!” Poppy was one of the loudest screamers I’ve heard. She ran up to Cody giving him a hug and he hugged back. I was most definitely confused.

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