Chapter 12 - Ashton

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“The boy who is going to make a great man must not make up his mind merely to overcome a thousand obstacles, but to win in spite of a thousand repulses and defeats.”

-Theodore Roosevelt

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 Ashton's POV

8:45 was just around the corner. School was just starting and students were coming into the classroom slowly and tiredly; this is always the problem with getting up early and going to school to learn. Though, somehow I felt like today would be a good day.

            Once everyone was seated I started off by talking about literature. It was a day where I explained the literacy of poetry, and the meaning behind it.

            “Okay, class, I’m going to have you tonight work on how literature written in poetry emphasizes the aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language. We’ll be going over it tomorrow in class.” With that first period was over with, and second was coming in as I was getting ready to re-teach what I taught first period.

            I have two AP classes that I teach and those are my first and second classes. During third period –my free period - I work on getting what I’m teaching the rest of my classes ready, and look over the lesson plans and all that stuff.

            Second period is always boring to me because these children do not know how to have fun. I’ll through in a cheesy joke, and they look at me like I’m crazy. I may be somewhat crazy but it’s still a joke that every other class I have laughs at. It’s extremely exhausting to teach with 30 pairs of eyes watching your every move and listening to your every word. I know for a fact that you aren’t supposed to listen to every word a teacher says because then a teacher would feel like they’re boring the rest of the class, but in reality you really aren’t supposed to listen to them completely. My second period is confusing.

            I was actually just ready to sleep when I get home because just by teaching two classes wear me out. Though, I had to go out with my parents, brother, and the Moore’s which I believe to be extremely awkward because I’m basically having dinner with a student who is also my girlfriends best friend. My mother said she had a surprise for Max and I tonight so that kind of makes me a bit nervous but then a bit excited to see what the surprise is. I just hope it’s not another baby. I cringe at that thought, why did my mind just have to think of that? I love kids and all, but it’s just the image of them doing you know what at their age. Ugh, I’m so disgusted.

            It was my free period in which I didn’t have a class and all I was thinking about was that. I don’t think my mind likes me that much today. It’s very mean to me.

            The bell finally sounded for fourth period. I was happy that I had something to do rather than think about my parents being intimate. I could probably vomit right now.

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