Chapter 10 - Ashton

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“Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”

-William Shakespeare


 Ashton's POV

              By the time Tuesday morning came along, I was already completely knackered. People say time flies by when you are doing something you love but that is a complete lie. Doing something I love makes me tired 24/7, and I’ve only been teaching for a week and two days. I’m not looking forward to the rest of this year.

            One thing I thought the students would have gotten over by now would be my age. But no, half of them just had to be horny teenagers who wanted nothing but to have me get in bed with them for a night. However, that isn’t how I work anymore. That’s right; I used to be like that. Others don’t really suspect me as the guy who sleeps around and stuff but it was how I handled things when times got tough.

            No one probably would know this without me telling people this, but I was the man-whore in high school. The only times I wasn’t classified as that was when I had a girlfriend, or when I had a boyfriend once. That didn’t turn out well because he was just acting the whole time so he could get to my brother. Yeah, he never got another chance with either of us brothers. The Keiler brothers stick together, and everyone knows that.

            I really leaned towards guys so it was easy not to get so emotionally attached and not want to be with another guy again. However that never happened, I stuck with girls and I’m happy I did.

            Tuesday mornings actually suck more than Mondays do. Monday’s a day you’re all drowsy and you don’t want to get up, but Tuesdays are the day that you just don’t want to put up with school anymore because Tuesdays are right after Mondays.

            Anyway, I woke up and did my morning routine, and left to go to school. Five minutes till I was going to be entering the school premises, I remembered I didn’t bring my coffee. That’s when I knew I had to get my coffee somehow, and what a coincidence that I’m driving by a Caribou Coffee.

            It was like heaven on earth when I entered Caribou. It was even more heavenly when I saw the two people I grew up with; my Parents.

            For me, I tap on their shoulders and make up a lame excuse,

            “I think you dropped some change on the floor.”

            “Oh, I don’t thi- Ashton.” I’m such a good son.

            “Hey, mom, dad.” This is kind of weird because the last time I saw my mother was with Charlotte, and she introduced herself as my girlfriend before I even asked her about it.

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