Chapter 14 - As U Are

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Kyle's POV

 I ran out of the room feeling lighter than air. She still has the teddy I got her...and she sleeps with it everyday. I laughed to myself and walked into the kitchen whistling some tune.

"Teddy, you look happy today," Toni's Mum said, handing me a plate of baked beans on toast.

"I do?" I asked, not really wanting to say much more about what happened. I know Toni's Mum wants me to give up on Toni...but, let's just say that's easier said than done. Anyways, with Mr. Piggy's help, I'm sure I can find my place in Toni's heart again...I just know it.

"I'm off to band practice now, thanks for the amazing breakfast Mrs. S!" I said, putting the plate near the sink.

"Have fun Teddy," she said, ruffling my hair before getting stuck in with the washing.

As soon as I arrived at the CBE building, I picked up my guitar from the storage room and walked to the music room where the rest were waiting. Wyatt looked at me weirdly.

"Why are you so happy today?" he asked.

"Huh? People keep on telling me I really look that happy?" I asked, confused.

"Your teeth are blinding me!" Wyatt replied, shielding his eyes. I laughed.

"Can't I be happy for once?" I asked, smirking.

"Looks like someone had some yesterday," Hayden said, rolling his eyes. I punched him playfully.

"Not everyone's like you," I said.

The door opened and Nathan walked in with...Colt?!

"Hey guys, Colt will be mentoring us until Carson returns from hospital," Nathan announced. Colt gave an awkward wave to everyone.

"Wow, thanks so much! We all love your band's music and for you to mentor's amazing!" Brandon and Wyatt said at the same time. Colt laughed, easing the tension in the room and thanked them.

"Right, let's get this album sorted," Colt said, clapping his hands. We picked up our instruments and walked into the recording room.

Colt would give us feedback every few minutes and after several hours, we finally finished recording the first four songs of the album. An assistant came in after the last song, handing us a tray of coffees which we gladly took.

"That was amazing, good job guys!" Colt said, walking into the room.

"Thanks Colt, that means a lot to us," Nathan said.

“I’ll see you all tomorrow for the next recording, we should get everything sorted by the end of this week, if not the next,” Colt said, proudly.

The next day we finished 3 and the day after that another 3 since it was the weekend. We finished recording the last song after school and we all sighed happily.

"Now, all that's left is the music video. Carson gave me some notes on it, so it should be finished by the end of this month. As for the album, well, you'll see it in shops by the same time, however here’s the rough copy of it," Colt said, giving each of us a copy of our new album 'As U Are - #AZ'uR'.

"Sweeeeet! This is sick man!" Wyatt said, looking at his album with a huge smile.

"Yeah...I can't believe this is happening!" I said, looking at the album in my hands. I felt so proud...for once in my life.

"When you get home, I want you all to mentally prepare yourself for next week. It's gonna be a busy week, filled with interviews, press and paparazzi, understand?" Colt said. We all nodded, our eyes still stuck on the albums.

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