Chapter 6 - The Break Up

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 "Teddy...?" I whispered to myself. How did I not see it at the recording studio? Those emerald eyes only had one owner...and that was Teddy. The person standing in front of me was just a taller, skinnier version of Teddy...but...he's still Teddy.

I ran up to him and gave him a huge hug. He still had that all familiar minty smell, except it was laced with whatever deodorant he was using.

"I've missed you so much," I whispered into his neck. He seemed to loosen a little and gave me a little pat on the back. I pulled back and smiled at him.

"I thought you hated me," Kyle said quietly.

"Nahh, I could never hate you. When you first left, I did hate you a little, but then Mum told me why you moved and all that," I said, smiling back at him. "You've changed so much! I didn't even recognise you!"

"Yeah...hehe, lost all that puppy fat and stretched out a little," Kyle said, ruffling his hair and grinning embarrassedly. I giggled. He is definitely my Teddy!

I pulled on my boots and said goodbye to my Mum, before heading towards Nathan who looked a bit tense.

"Heyy, you alright?" I asked, intertwining my hands in his.

"Yeah...just a bit jealous..." he said, turning beetroot. As soon as Kyle got into the car, he said in a low voice, "so, this is the famous Teddy huh...the first guy to steal your heart."

"We're just good friends now, my heart's been stolen by someone else," I replied. Trust Nathan to feel jealous! I pulled him towards me so that he was close enough to feel my heartbeat which was drumming against my ribs like crazy. A big grin appeared on his face and he kissed me lightly on the lips.

"I liked the sound of that," he said, opening the car door for me. I climbed into the car and waited for Nathan to follow suit.

The car journey was mainly made up of me and Kyle filling each other’s history books. He told me about his life in Australia and I told him what I got up to here.

Eventually school loomed up ahead and our conversation was cut short. As soon as we stepped out of the car, a low buzz of gossiping started...looks like Nathan's new found fame has been well as Kyle making quite a big impression on the girls.

Suddenly a huge wave of gasps started. Carson Brown was walking out of school and heading straight for us.

"Hey Carson, what are you doing here?" Nathan asked.

"Routine, I'm ensuring your safety whilst you study. Let's just say fans can go over the top sometimes and we need to make sure that school will be a safe environment for you," Carson explained, then looked at us three, frowning. "Nathan, please stick to the contract. The media will be coming here can't be seen with your girlfriend in public remember?"

I gasped. I completely forgot that I had to be kept a secret! Wait...does that mean...Nathan and I will have to split up in front of the whole school?! I looked at Nathan who gave me a we'll-talk-about-this-later look.

"Don't worry Carson, we'll sort it out," Nathan said, coldly. He didn't like the sound of splitting up in front of the whole school.

"I apologize again Miss Smith, I know this will trouble you greatly. It's just that we really can't afford any scandals, especially with their debut so close," Carson said, looking at me sympathetically.

"I totally understand Mr Brown, I want the best for Nathan as well," I replied, ignoring the temptation to grit my teeth.

"Anyways, class is starting soon, so we'd better be off," Nathan said, grasping my hand and leading me away from Carson. I struggled in Nathan's grasp but it was too strong. Finally after we escaped from the crowds of people outside, Nathan let go of my hand.

My boyfriend is a superstar...and I'm his secret girlfriend?!Where stories live. Discover now