Chapter 4 - Kyle

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Toni's POV

 I looked at him. He did look familiar...especially those eyes, but none of the faces from my memories matched his face. I bit my lip and shook my head.

"Hmm...I guess I'm not surprised, it's been a long time. When you remember, give me a shout, yeah?" Kyle said, walking off to join the song cover discussion.

"Right, enough of the chit-chat, we have a debut album to work on!" Carson said, suddenly appearing from nowhere and interrupting us. He ushered us out of the room and into the recording studio opposite. Everyone except from Nathan picked up their instruments and started practicing their song cover. I sat outside with Carson.

"Their first album will be written by our company as they are still strangers to each other, but after that they will have the chance to showcase their own work," Carson explained. I nodded in reply. He made a signal to the boys and they positioned themselves in front of their mics. "This song's a cover, so they can discover each others' potential as well as letting us know how much connection they’ve got between each other.”

'You keep calling it a crash and burn 

Just wait your turn you might have time to speak 

There barely was a lesson learned 

Cause in return no favors back to me'

Nathan's voice filled my head as their cover of There for Tomorrow's 'A Little Faster' filled the recording studio. I must have looked like an idiot with my mouth open like a fish, cuz Carson took one look at me and burst out laughing.

"They're good aren't they," he said, after recovering from his mini laughing fit after taking a look at my face. I looked at him surprised. He stopped smiling, looking at me with confusion.

“You know Mr Brown, I would have never guessed you had this side to you on Saturday,” I said to him.

“Well...contracts are strictly business, I’m actually a really fun loving guy,” Carson said, grinning. “And it’s Carson, not Mr Brown, I’m not that old yet!”

“Haha, alright Carson, but only if I get changed from Miss Smith to Toni since I have also not that old!” I replied.

“Deal!” Carson held out his hand and I shook it.

“So, what do you think?” he asked. My attention turned back to #AZ’uR.

"They're bloody!!" I gasped. Carson signalled the stop sign and immediately the music stopped. Nathan walked out first, unable to hide his grin. I ran up to him and gave him a huge bear hug.

"That was amazing Nathan!" I whispered into his ear. Someone coughed from behind him. I noticed Kyle looking a bit pissed off. "All of you were amazing!"

"Anyways, that's your little introductory group session. Be here tomorrow," Carson said. “But try to keep girlfriend visits short, yeah!”

"Roger, Captain. Come on Toni, let's go home," Nathan said, smiling broadly. I love it when he smiles. I said goodbyes to the other band members and gave Carson a hug before following Nathan out of the huge building, passing ridiculous amounts of celebrities again.

As soon as we got in the car, Nathan planted a huge kiss just by my lips.

"What was that for?" I asked, shocked.

"Thank you for keeping your cool. This secret girlfriend business is such a big ask, I'm surprised you didn't walk out on me," Nathan said, smiling.

"Even if I wanted to walk out on you, I wouldn't be able to. You're like a limpet...always stuck on me," I replied, sticking my tongue out at him. He pulled a face before starting the car.


 Kyle's POV

 I watched her disappearing through the door, following that guy. That guy should be me. If only I didn't leave, then we'd be together...but with everything that happened in the past...The last memory of little Toni appeared in my mind...she was running alongside the train with tears trailing down her face, holding tightly onto Mr Piggy. My heart suddenly wonder she didn't remember me...all the pain I caused's better to forget my whole existence.

"Dude, you okay?" Wyatt asked, patting me on the back.

"Course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?" I replied, faking a smile.

"Wanna catch a drink with Hayden and me?" he asked. “Get some girls, something that Brandon and Nathan can’t do?”

"Hell yeah, bring it on!" I exclaimed. At least it will distract me from Toni. I quickly packed up my stuff and said goodbye to Carson and Brandon, before following Wyatt to his Audi R8.

"WOAHH sweet car dude!" Hayden shouted, running up to the car. I scoffed silently, not trying to boast or anything but my car is wayyy more sweet. We got in and listened to some random pop rock before arriving at some club a few minutes away from the CBE building.

"This club is sweet, tonnes of hot girls," Wyatt said, slamming the car door and winking. He had parked the car behind the club, just by the back door. After we got out of the car as well, he made his way up the stairs and signalled us to follow him in through the back door.

"You sure we won't be kicked out or anything?" Hayden asked hesitantly. Wyatt gave him a weird look.

"What? You chicken?" he asked, smirking and walking in. As soon as he stepped in, he was swamped with girls. Obviously he's been here more than a few times. Hayden soon disappeared in another crowd of girls who came from nowhere.

"Heyy, you're looking sexy," a girl wearing a ridiculously low cut top said as she slid up to me. She didn't look too bad...nothing compared to Toni...but not bad. Well...I might as well have some fun tonight, I'm not feeling great anyways.

"Hey, you're looking pretty fine yourself," I said in a deep voice and grinned. She looked a bit shocked at first, but after a few seconds she blushed and smiled to herself, biting her lip and fiddling with her hair. Then she stood on her tiptoes and beckoned me towards her.

"You wanna find somewhere...more...quiet?" she whispered into my ear.

"Yeahh...why not?" I replied. Just thinking about Toni and that guy just makes me want to hurt her so bad. I don't care if this is stupid, all I want to do is just get that image of them together out of my head. I grabbed this girl's hand and led her to a secluded section of the club. Then, without thinking, I started making out with her.

My boyfriend is a superstar...and I'm his secret girlfriend?!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora