Really? I mean... Really?

Start from the beginning

"Trust me, wasn't planning to." I snipped and hopped off the counter with my food. I heard some shuffling upstairs so I stopped and tried to figure out who it was.

"Who else is here? Ooo, is it someone who can be compelled to be my personal entertainment?" I said hopefully.

"Probably not. When are you leaving?" I pouted.

"When my boredom is cured or when Kol comes back. Either one works fine with me." I shrugged. "Now who's upstairs?"

"No one of your concern Tara."

"Well that's rude." I huffed and flopped on his couch.

"Well you're even ruder. Who do you think you are coming up in here, after all you done?" He snapped.

"I thought you were trying to apologize for killing me. You and Stefan were so nice to me before. I just wanted someone to talk to. I miss the nice-ish Damon, he wouldn't give me any of this attitude you have. And anyways, you're the one not kicking me out and letting me stay right now sooo." I trailed off and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. He rolled his eyes but it then widened as someone came down. I looked up instantly and a scowl overtook my face.

"Oh it's you." Disgust was all you could hear in my voice. Elena looked at me shocked then narrowed her eyes at me.

"What is she doing here?" She demanded Damon. I rolled my eyes.

"Y'know, I can talk!" I snapped.

"Simmer down you galls." Damon said with his hands in the air.

"But I am just so hot, I can't help it!" I whined playfully at him. He chuckled and poured him a drink. Elena scoffed and crossed her arms.

"What are you doing here? You don't live here anymore."

"So that means I am absolutely forbidden from coming here and stealing their food? That makes sense." I said sarcastically and pointedly bit off a chunk of my pop tart. But to be fair, it honestly doesn't. But she's annoying so oh well.

"The question is what are you doing here? Don't you ever go home?!" She glared at me.

"That's not really any of your business."

"Then stop making everything yours because quite frankly, it's annoying as hell. I can't tell you how many times one of the Mikaelson's came ranting to me about one of your stupid stunts that you pulled or got someone to do for you. Like killing me for example."

"You didn't die permanently so can't you just drop it already? That happened months ago!" My mouth dropped and I stood up, suddenly in front of her. The hyprocripsy of this girl astonishes me! Honestly, the only reason she and the Mikaelson's are still feuding is because Klaus killed her first and its been back and forth ever since mostly because she won't quit it! She paled a shade and backed up a step causing her hero Damon to heroically come to her rescue by running up to me and forcing me back rather harshly by pushing me down all the way to the other side of the room. Overkill much? I glared up at him as I pushed myself up on my hands.

"Come on Damon! You're not really going to let her get away with that, are you?" He stayed silent and my eyes narrowed.

"Oh stupid me. Course she can get away with it like she got away with shoving a stick in my heart because she's Elena. The ever so precious doppelgänger. How did she convince you of doing that after practically raising me? Did she bat her eyelashes at you and told you I might use you as a means of attack?  Like I even care about her." I rolled my eyes and started to walk away from them. I paused at the doorstep and looked back at them.

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