Chapter 7

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Okay Tierra let me see that letter.! Alexa (from dangerous desires) said sitting back down at the table. I was finally getting a chance to talk to these lawyers after a whole month. I was fighting with every bone in my body because Ny'La been getting abused since the day she's been over there. I cried myself to sleep knowing that. Seeing the bruise on her back, face, and arms pissed me so much I was trying not to stress so I wouldn't lose the twins but lord I couldn't take the demons I was fighting. I gave her the note and she looked over it irritated.

Is Nick coming.? she asked looking up.

Um, im not sure he had to go to practice.


Well email me the pictures so I can have these printed out for court next month.!

Next month.?

She's being abused. Where is child services.?

I'm going to request an immediate removal of the child being from that home. But she will be put into temporarily foster care.

Can you request she comes home with us.

I could but I make no promises.!!

Hi baby.! Nick said walking in.

Heyy.! I kissed him.

Nick can I talk to you for a minute we done here Tierra.! She said dismissing me. This bitch lost her mind. Nick followed her into the office and she closed the door and pulled down all of the shades. I went outside to wait for my car to be pulled up.

Tierra.? I heard a male voice from the side of me.
I turned around to see Rock.

Hi.! I squealed hugging him.

How are you sweetie.?!

I'm good.!

I see.! Either you just eating good or it's a lil one in there. He laughed touching my stomach.

It's actually a little two.!


Yeah.! I giggled.

Damn man that's amazing.! Let me know if you need anything and I mean anything. He said hugging me. I hugged him back and smiled. He made his way upstairs and I took my phone out to call Nick. Of course he didn't answer. I was talking to Rock for about 25 minutes before he went into the building what was they still possibly be talking about.? My car pulled up and I got in to leave. I wasn't gonna wait around for him he could meet me at home later. I went to go do a little shopping up on 5th avenue. I got so much stuff. I had a serious problem when it came to heels. I think this was one of the reasons I only missed New York because of the shopping. I got Ny'La a bunch of stuff I knew she would love and looked so cute on her. I planned to have my baby back home before Christmas.! My worst fear about having the twins was that she would grow up thinking we replaced her with the twins and that is damn sure not the case at all.

I finally made it home after hours of shopping and traffic. My feet where starting to swell so I took a warm bath and relaxed for a little bit. Lani and Mark was coming over for dinner and to discuss wedding plans. I was so happy and excited for them.

You not dress.? My mom asked coming into the room she was dressed in a beautiful elegant dress.

Dress for what.? It's only Mark and Lani.!

Actually we going out to dinner your dress is in the closet hurry up.! I went into my closet and my dress was laying across the middle of my jewelry stand in the middle of the room. It was beautiful. It was an all white dress with gold stitching lace at the top with the back covered down in diamonds. With a long tail. It actually was the wedding dress I had picked out for our wedding before I called it off.


You need help.?

Yeah Ima need you to tip me up but why do I have to wear this.?

It's the dress Nick wanted you to wear I don't know Tierra.! But I do know we are late.! She said zipping my dress up. I had my hair pinned up into curls with side bang covering up to my eye brawl than swooped to the side and up into the rest of my curls. I hurry up and did my make up. Never leave the house without a full face. I stuffed money into my bra and grabbed my phone. We got into the limo that was waiting for us outside and he took off. I was so confused on where we was going and my mom was acting like she was clue less. We pulled up to this big church hall and got out. I was confused even more. The doors opened for us and the first people to greet us was Ericka and Kiy. I started crying they looked so beautiful dressed in white Mink dresses trimmed in gold lace. I hugged the both of them tight.

I know your probably wondering what's going on right.?! Nick said with a little laughter in his voice coming down the stairs. he was dressed in a full blown suit looking bout fine as hell. He looked clean as fuck I was loving it.

Yes, yes I am.! I said laughing wiping my tears.

I'm not going another day without you being my wife. I owe you so much and the first thing is that title. I blew it the first time but I wanna make it right this time and I'm not trying to lose you. (He got down on one knee, and I started to cry so hard) Will you marry me.? Be my Mrs.Forman.?!

Yes, yes, yes.! I screamed pulling him up kissing him. He slid the ring on my finger and then the double doors opened. The church was filled with family and friends and celebrities I started to cry harder. We walked down the ails and Ny'La walked in front of us throwing rose petals. My baby.!

We are gathered here today for Terrionna Baker and Nicholas Forman to come together as one. The Priest said. I was literally shocked and couldn't stop crying. He held my hands and looked into my eyes repeating the words he was told to say. And I did the same.

T....I loved you from the moment I saw you walk into our math class of senior year. I never really knew how beautiful you was until I sat next to you and got to talk to you and you wasn't on the court. I admire you for all the hard work you put in, in your life.! You made me extremely proud to be in your life and whiteness all the accomplishments that you have. I love you so much you mean the world to me. I remember this particular game it was one of my very first ones and you got up and came on the court and you told me to get it together you don't know what was going on with me but you knew something wasn't right. I don't remember what my problem was just knowing you was there to encourage me and you had my back is what made me and every game I ever had since than I always thought of you, thank you for not only being my lover but my BestFriend and what I need the most when I need it.

I don't know what to say no more. I'm shocked at this wedding.! I never imagined being here right now with you....ever.! I didn't prepare anything (I laughed a little) but Nick my darling baby I love you. I have always loved you....I never stopped loving you.! You mean the world to me.! I remember the first time you came to my house and you said "so this is where the magic happens.? I said no my bed is a virgin (everybody laughed) and than you had the nerve to ask are you.?! I told you if "I tell you I would have to kill you.!" And you said "how am I gonna marry you if I'm dead than.?" I was at a lost for words that day but I been banking on being married to you since than and today is finally that day and I always wondered what I would say when I got to that part. I couldn't think of anything but the words I love you.!

Ladies and gentleman the love that these two share is rare it's not a love that is found between two everyday. In the name of the lord the power invested in me I now pronounce these two husband and wife Mr.&Mrs.Forman.! You may now kiss your bride. Nick pulled me into him and gave me the best kiss of my life. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him back.

I love you.! He mumbled against my lips.

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