Chapter 3

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We didn't have any sleep last night, just fucked for hours.! I missed these type of days. I rolled over on top of him taking his phone from him.

What.?! He laughed.

I want all of your attention Nick!

You have it baby girl.

I missed you.!

Do you really or is that the dick talking.?

Little bit of both.!

Yeah ight.! What's this.? He asked touching the scare on my arm. It still was sensitive as fuck.

A couple weeks ago we had an Earth quake and NY's bump bed fell the metal broke and went straight through my arm. Her fish tank broke also and a big chunk of glass was stuck in my leg making me lose a lot of blood I almost died.!


Yeah.... actually just got out the hospital yesterday morning before we came to New York. That's why my mom wants me to move back. She scared for me and Ny'La.

I am to.! You definitely can't go back there. You can stay in your own house as long as you need to. I mean we not together or anything but I did buy this house for you it is still yours and you never have to ask to come home you know that.!

Thank you.! He sat up to kiss me and I kissed him back. I missed this so much I just wanted things to go back how they where when we first started dating.

Tierraaaaaaaaa.! Lani yelled from downstairs.

What.? I yelled back.

The door.! She yelled I put on one of Nicks t shirts and made my way downstairs. It was a mail man down stairs with an envelope.

May I help you.? I asked.

Yes your Terrionna Baker.?


Here.! He gave me an envelope. "You've been served.!" He said before walking away.

I was completely confused. I ripped open the letter and began to read. "Dear Ms. Terrionna Baker you have been petition for family court for Jayna Forman petitioned by Jayla Jones for custody of her daughter.!"

Nick.!!!!!! I screamed.!

What, what's wrong.?!

Here look.! I stuffed the letter into his hands. I started to cry.

What's going on.! Lani asked.

She can't do that.! She can't do that can she.?! It's been 5 years she can't do that.! I yelled through my tears.

Let me make some calls calm down.!

That's my baby, I raised her, I take care of her, I love her, she is mine.! I cried harder. He pulled me into his chest holding me tighter as I cried.

She isn't going any where Tierra calm down baby.!


Mommy what's wrong.? Ny'La asked running to me hugging my leg.

Listen I'm gonna fix it, we gonna go to court and I'm gonna fix it I promise okay.!


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