Chapter 33

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I picked Ny'La up and held her tight. These few weeks has been a drag on me and my body. This little baby was growing inside of me. I was hoping for a boy.! I haven't told anyone about my pregnancy yet I wasn't sure if I actually wanted to go through with it honestly. Nicks out of the house and I don't see us getting back together any time soon. I hated him and the sight of him made me sick. He tried to apologize a couple times but I wasn't trying to hear it. I mean he could kiss my ass honestly.!  I layed Ny'La down and went to go answer the door. I opened the door and to my surprise it was my mom and brothers. I started to cry really hard. I've missed them so much.! since I found out I was pregnant I been extremely emotional.

Hi babyyyyyy.! My mom squealed hugging me.

Hi mommy.! I said hugging her back.

How are you.?! You look beautiful your glowing.! She said smiling hard.

Thank you.! I'm good how are you.?! I haven't told my mom about what happened between me and Nick yet. Truth is I'm embarrassed.

I'm good baby, so happy to finally see you. Where's Nick I wanted to congratulate him on his games he's been doing a phenomenal job.!

Yeah well umm he's.....

Heyyy mama.! Nick said walking in the door.

Hey baby I just asked about you, how are you.?!

I'm good how you doing.?

I'm good baby, congrats on the season your doing a wonderful job.!

Thank you ma'am.

Get y'all asses off that damn furniture.! My mom yelled heading to my brothers.

I just came to get a couple things and I'll be out. He said nervously to me.

Hurry up.! I said sternly turning away from him.

Can I apologize.! He asked grabbing my arm and turning me away from him. "Please just 5 minutes that's all I'm begging.!" I walked upstairs and he followed.

Get your things while you talk. I said aggravated.

What's this.? He asked picking up my sonogram off the dresser.

Nun of your business.! I said taking it from his hands.

Your pregnant.?

Wowww wouldn't you like to know.?!

Yes, yes I would.! He snatched my picture out my hand again examining it. "How far along.?"

3 months.!

You wasn't gone tell me.?

It's nun of your business.!

How isn't it.? That's half my baby just like it's half of yours.

Your 5 minutes is up.!

I ain't going no where my name on this deed just like yours is. I cheated yes I did.! Do I regret yes the fuck I do.! I'm sorry I really am but I'm not about to miss out on your pregnancy and this baby because of one little stupid mistake. I'm sorry and I will forever be sorry for what I did. I'm coming home and you got a problem with it than just deal with it.! He said sternly. I rolled my eyes pushing past him to return back downstairs.

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