Chapter 36

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I walked into the school, my dream school I didn't think I was ever gonna be able to walk these halls. The last two weeks I made a decision that's gonna affect my family for good in a long run. Me and Ny'La moved to Washington D.C. Lani decided to stay in New York and I told her she could tell Nick that I moved wayyyyyy after I left. I changed my number also. I didn't want anything to do with him, not even child support.! My mom thought I was over reacting and taking it to far but as far as I knew I thought it was time for me to chase my dreams, doesn't those matter. I wanted to show my daughter that no matter what happens or what obstacles you face never give up on what you want, your dreams and goals are what's most important. Our 1 family home was just perfect for us. I got her in day care and found a really nice front end manager job at Hotel Curtis. It's a hotel where famous people go. It's been a real challenge moving here but I know I can handle it.

I decided not to play just wasn't fun for me any more. There wasn't no love or passion for it. I went into studying to be a nurse. That was always my next step if basketball didn't work out. So far I was passing my classes with flying colors. Ny'La was getting so big her first birthday would be coming up soon, so I guess we where gonna celebrate in New York so Lani and Allan could be around and my mother.


I picked up my daughter and held her tight. I was just thinking about when Ny'La was born how I use to cradle her like this when she cried. Or when Tierra was stressed out holding her I would hold them together. I missed those moments so much but now I can't even see her how she's doing or anything. It took a lot out of me to step up and be her father and now that I wanna be there Tierra took that away from me.!

Where you going.? I asked Lani as she picked up her bags.

Wouldn't you like to know.!

Yeah I'm your big brother I would.

Nun your damn business that's where.!

Excuse me.? Lil girl who you talking to.?

I'm talking to you.! You ain't around all you care about is that damn baby it's been about 5 months now and yo ass not once asked about Ny'La, asked did I have Tierra's number, or any of that. You only think about your self hens the situation your in now. Dick riding a while bitch you don't love or give a fuck about over that baby. It's not your first kid or your only. I loved my niece to the moon and back she was like my daughter as well.! Me and Allan loves her and we loved Tierra but yo big bean head ass always fuckin some shit up. I'm going to visit my sister.! She said angrily than walking out and driving off. Ima ring her neck. I don't know who she think she talking to or what the fuck is her problem is but she got me fucked up.!

I layed Niema down and she fell asleep in her chair. I buckled her in because Neya was here to get her. We didn't say much to each other. I nodded my head she gave a little smile and that was it.

She needs more milk.!

I put 250 in her diaper bag get 100 dollars worth milk, a 100 on diapers and 50'on wipes.

She need more than that.!

You mad money hungry. Take yo ass to sams or Bjs and get the big ass boxes of diapers, wipes and formula, I go there every month and that shit last for a good two months without having to buy anything.


Whatever my ass.! she walked off getting in her car pissed off. I pay her bills put food in her house and take care of my kid. Your money is your money. My kid lives there that's the only reason I pay for everything, when she down that means my kid down and I wasn't raised like that.

I sat on the couch flipping through some channels trying to find something to watch. Wasn't shit to watch on tv. I grabbed my keys and left out. I needed to keep myself busy. I was about to just work out for a while. I went to the park to get a nice run in.

Ny'La no.! I heard a voice say. I looked over and there was Tierra with our daughter, Allan and Lani at the park. I watched for a while and Ny'La was so grown up it made me smile. She kept giving kisses and hugs to Tierra. And Tierra was looking good as fuck.! She gained some weight on her she done filled out real nice ass was fatter than before. I started to get mad cause she had to be fucking somebody to get a shape like that. I couldn't really be mad right.?! Nah.! The question was should I had walked over there.?

DaDa.....DaDa......DaDa.!!!! Ny'La cried as she ran to me.

Ny'La.! Tierra yelled jumping up and running after her. "I'm sorry she doesn't usually go up to strangers.!" Tierra said picking her up.

I'm not a stranger.! I said giving Ny'La her you off the ground. Tierra face froze for a second as she looked at me searching for who I was. Damn she was beautiful. She turned to walk away but I grabbed her arm pulling her closer to me kissing her lips nice and slow. I slid my tongue in her mouth and she let me. I deepened the kiss putting my hand behind her head pulling her closer in. I pulled away from her, slowly. Her eyes was watery and she walked away going to her car.

I wanna see y'all again.! I said following her.

She will be around.! She said before getting in the car her self.

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