Chapter 5

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Damn baby.! Nick said as I came off the court.

I did terrible this game.! 85 points and 11 assist.! What the fuck is that.? This the reason I still haven't recruited yet.! I yelled kicking my gym bag.

Calm down y'all only 3 games in the season.! You got time.!

Easy for you to say your a fuckin star.!

Calm that fuckin temper down T.! You goin too hard on your self to make shit. Your not having fun.

It's not about fun it's about winning and being the best.

Not if your not having fun. You love what you do right.


Than next game show it on the fuckin court.! He wrapped his arms around my neck and hugged me tight. "You good ma.! 85 points in one game is a record for you. Every time you on the court you get better.!"

Thanks baby! I was some what calm now. He was right as much as I hate to admit it. He pecked my lips and picked up my bag.

Where you wanna eat.? He asked putting my hat on my head.

Ummm Popeyes.! And by the beach.! I said excited sounding like a kid. See we had this thing our little dates. I would take him out after a game and he would take me out after a game. It was the best way to unwind. Just being with each other period brought the best out in us. We been together for almost 4 months now. Everything and I mean Everything was perfect. We was the perfect power couple. We got our food than made our way to my favorite place. The BEACH.! It was so relaxing and the best way to unwine.

I need to tell you something.! Nick said into my ear as he held me between his legs.

What is it.?

Something ain't going to right at home. And i might have to switch schools.

What's going on.?

My dad went away for a while in some kinda business trip. We have no contact with him. He letting my uncle watch us and shit so he controlling all our money and shit like that. Something ain't right with his ass and I could feel it.

Something like what baby.? Is lani okay.?

Yeah she straight but I don't know he weird I tell her to stay away from him and shit. Like he not even tryna pay my school tuition for the winter and spring semester.

What why.?

He says it cost to much I just know I gotta get this money.

My jobs hiring. I can get you an application and get you in.

That's not enough money baby.

I can help you save I have money save. You can't go to a different school.

Don't worry about it. Ima figure something out.

What if you don't.? It's The end of November Nick the deadline is December 30th you know that.!

You right I do know that. See this why I ain't wanna tell you. You worrying way to damn much.

How can I not.?

Because it's not you.! He said sternly pissed off.

Well why don't you say how you really feel.! I said choking on my tears. I got up to head back to the car. He had me fucked up.! I don't care.? If anything I care the most.! Nicholas ment the world to me I could say I love him but I felt like it was to early.
The whole car ride back to my house was silent. We didn't say a word to each other. There wasn't nothing to say. I got out the car slamming the door behind me. He didn't even wait until I was in the house or even up the front steps before he sped off. I went straight to my room aggravated.

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