Chapter 12

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My mom wanted me to give that school thing a try again but I just wanted to be home schooled. She didn't wanna pay for it so school is where I had to take my black ass back too. Today was such a drag. Nick wasn't here which made me worry a little bit. Every time Jayla saw me she gave me dirty looks. Ericka and Kiy begged me to let them beat her up. I wanted to do it my self but with this cast on my leg I couldn't do shit. I didn't let my girls know about what happened yesterday. I knew they where gonna have so much to say about it so I rather not say anything. Yes Nick hurt me and I'm still hurting but matter of the truth is I love him with all my heart and I'm not ready to let go yet even though I want to and need too. Ericka gave me a ride home since I couldn't drive yet which pissed me off entirely. I just wanted my life back.

I took everything off and laid across my bed watching tv. There was a knock on my door and I looked up and saw Alani her little but big belly poked  out before her. I almost broke my neck trying to get to her. She squealed in excitement jumping on me huggin. Me.

Hiiiiiiiiiii.!!! I cried.

Hi sister! She sang back trying to stop her cries.

How are you.!

I'm good just sore sometimes but I'm good.!

That is so good omg I missed you.!

I missed you too. I heard what happened to you. I been trying to get over here for a month and some change now but Nick was just to scared to bring me.

Scared of what.? Where is he?

He said "you don't love him no more" he was really messed up in the head over y'all break up. What happened.? But He went to go make a drop off he said.

That's why we broke up!

What.? Why.?

Listen Nick is a bright and handsome young man. He has so much potential in him he can do anything in this world. I loved Nicholas with all my heart and I still do he ment everything in more to me. The day we "broke up" that morning I went into his coat pocket thinking I was getting his phone and grabbed a hand full of drugs and money. I told him I didn't wanna stick around to see him fuck his life up. These streets don't love nobody.! Next thing I know not even 5 hours later he was kissing and hugged up on this girl Jayla. And you know that was the biggest day of my life and he didn't even show up.!

What.? Are you serious.! That's why you guys where arguing.? He said he was going to the game latter on that day i remembered because I asked him "was he gonna help you get ready for it" he said no but he was gonna go.

Yeah right he never showed up. He even punched Tee in the face earlier that day.

What.! Oh no I need to have a talk with him.

It's not even worth it. But let me ask you something.

What's up.?

Has he brought any girls home.?

Honestly no. This one girl followed him home though and bussed his car windows out he said he didn't know who did it but I think he do.

Oh wowww.!

Yeah, I'm not sticking up for him or anything but he does love you and I know that for a fact he does. Y'all need to make it right.

I don't know Lani.! He hurt me bad.! But enough about me girl.! You.! How you.? Your getting big.!

I knowww.! Sang standing up to show me her belly.

When did you tell him.?

The night I found out about you.! We had a pretty deep long talk and it kinda just came out. He was extremely mad but realized I was growing up and it was so much He could do to protect me.

Awwww I'm proud of you.!

I am too. I found out what I'm having next month. I hope it's a boy.

I do to omg he would be so cute. How's the dad.?

He changed he changed a lot.! Like we working on being back together he's going to every appointment with me. He's being there for me whenever I need something. We waiting to find out the gender of the baby to go real shopping. I don't know what got into him but I love it.

Seriously.? That's amazing.! I'm so happy for you.! Listen whatever it is you need just let me know.

I will.! She grabbed her phone because of Nick calling her.

He's here.?


I'll walk you out.

You sure.?

Yeah.! I slip on some shorts and a sports bra and walked Alani outside. I opened the door and Nick was looking so good. I wanted to jump on his face. I gave Alani a hug and helped her into the car before I went in.

Uhhhhhh I want my baby back.!

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