Chapter 15

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I walked into school, not ready do the day. I was so tired. I didn't get any sleep last night. For the past couple of days all I been thinking about was Nick. He was on my mind heavy especially at night. He never came to see me but I'm not stubborn or cold hearted. I was gonna make my way over there after school. I don't know how he was doing haven't seen or talked to him since the hospital. Not even Alani. I made my way to all of his teachers to get his homework he been missing for the past couple months. Over winter break I was gonna get him caught up. I hope this turns him around about being in the streets. But you know what they say"A hard head make a soft ass.!" I walked out the school and got back into my car I swear I didn't wanna be there today.! I found my way to his house. I took a deep breath and got out the car grabbing my bookbag.

I walked on the porch than back down the stairs. I don't know if I could do this. But I had to. I walked back up the stairs and knocked on the door it was unlocked so I went in. I locked it behind me. The house was a mess.

Hello.? I called out to see if anybody was here. I walked around the house and not a sign of anybody. I made my way to the kitchen and Nick was layed on lthe floor passed out. His gual pads where not changed and he had dry blood every where. His medicine was spilled all on the floor. I dropped my bag and ran over to him. He had a pulse just passed out. I dragged him to his room. I ran some water and started to clean him up. I gave him a boot leg sponge bath and cleaned and changed his wounds. I started to clean his room and do his laundry. I put fresh clothes on him and started cleaning the whole entire house from top to bottom. I started on dinner which was home made chicken noddle soup. I folded his clothes and put them away.

Tierra.? I heard his voice say. I turned around and he was waking up. I helped him sit up and he looked around. "Alani still in the hospital.?" He asked concerned.

She's in the hospital.?

Yeah.! Her and Jayla got into it she caught Jayla and KayCe stealing my money and they started fighting. That was the last thing I remembered before I passed out. How long it's been.?

Well I been here since 9am and it's 5pm your just now waking up. When I came in the doors was unlocked the house was trashed. I super cleaned everything. You had to be out for a while your gualls where horrible and you had dried blood every where on you. I gave you a sponge bath and changed your clothes. Did your laundry and everything.

Wow thank you.!

No need to thank me let me go get your food. In got up to go to the kitchen and I sat a tray up with soup, orange juice, and his medicine. I felt arms around mine. He hugged me tight. "You shouldn't be out of bed.!"

I can get my food myself.

No you can't you shouldn't even be home.

I'm alright. I helped him sit down at the table and sat his food in front of him. He took his medicine first and I fed him. "You don't have to do this ya know.!"
I nodded my head yeah and he smiled. "I never got the chance to tell you I'm sorry. Sorry for everything...."

Nick don't.

Nooo I need to say this. Tierra im sorry. I never ever ment to hurt you I swear I didn't. I should of listened to you and the result of not listening to you I get shot multiple times. Bitches stole 50,000 from me.! If I could do it all over again I would. I would of never got in these streets and cherished you when I had you. I would of been there for you. I would of said I love you sooner, I would of made love to you, I would of did completely right by you. I never missed your game that night. You where wonderful.! I knew you could do it you played like a true champ. I watched from the door as I was getting drunk. Man I was pissed of because the day we both was having. I wanted to come to the hospital that night but I couldn't of. My feet wouldn't move. I just kept thinking about you. I couldn't come see you because if you would of dubbed my shit I woulda been pissed. I knew you hated me. And the day at the hospital all I could think of was you. I know you think I moved on quick but I didn't.! I always thought of you I just wanted to be with you. I tried to treat our break up like you was just some bitch I use to fuck with and thought I can just fuck somebody else and I'll be over you. I couldn't even fuck nobody. You had me.! And you still do. If I was to die that night I'm happy your face was the last I was gonna see. So I thank you not only for being here but for never stop loving me. I know I ain't perfect and I don't try to be Ima work and progress just need help. And you always help me. He wiped my tears away as I couldn't stop crying. I didn't even know I was crying.

I wanted to hate you so bad but I could never you just don't hate someone you love.! I'm gonna always be here for you even as friends. I want your for a life time. You mean everything to me.

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