Chapter 1

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I woke up in so much pain Ny'La was laying next to me sleep and my mom was across the room sleep as well. I looked around the room and i was in a hospital. I didn't know what happened. Last thing I remembered was the Earth quake and that was it. I pressed the nurse button on the side of the bed and a nurse came in. She took my vitals and gave me some water for my dry throat and pain meds. I cuddled Ny'La closer to me kissing her cheek. My baby girl ment everything to me and I was so happy to still be alive.

My mom finally woke up and she screamed scaring me and waking Ny up. She rushed over to me hugging me tight.

Thank the lord your okay.! She cried.

How long was I out.?!

A week, little miss Ny over here wouldn't leave your side.

A week oh my God I'm probably fired. The house.....

Baby stop worrying your job knows everything you won't be able to work for a long time. You have to go to therapy and everything. In the Earth quake the apartment building caught fire upstairs when they was trying to get you out, we managed to save every single important thing and some clothes that was it. Your gonna go back to New York with me and your brothers.

I can't leave my life here.

Yes you can and you will. This is the 3rd quake since you been living here I can't keep living not knowing if your gonna be okay or not.! I almost lost you, you where in surgery for 3 hours.! That's why you where unconscious for so long.

But ma.!

No bugs I don't wanna hear it soon as the dr clears you to leave we are on the first flight out of here.!

Hello Ms. Baker your woke.! How you feelings.? My dr asked coming into the room.

Tired.! When am I gonna be able to leave.?

Maybe in a couple days you lost a tremendous amount of blood sweetie.!

What you mean.?

You had to have 5 blood transfusions, you lost about 46% of your blood alone from the glass that was in your leg. You where lucky it didn't hit any main arteries but you may have trouble walking for a while.

When do I go to therapy.

If your up to it and strong enough maybe we can start it tomorrow.!


It might be a long process so you just have to keep at it and work everyday. If you need anything just call down to the nurses station, have any questions.?


Okay, I'll have the nurse bring you down some pain meds, they're probably wearing off now.

Yeah just about. He walked out and my mom stepped out the room to answer her phone call. Ny was watching some cartoon show falling back to sleep. I called down to the cafeteria to order her some food. I know she had to be starving.

She ate and me and my mom talked. It was so good to be seeing her, haven't seen her since last years Christmas and it's almost thanksgiving next month.

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