Chapter 3

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Heyy lil one.! Nick said grabbing my waist.


No call last night.?

I fell asleep doing homework. I'm sorry.!

Yeah I don't think you are.! He said as he started tickling me. Over the next couple of days we where really spending a lot of time with each other talking and texting each other on the phone all night. He was so sweet and the perfect gentleman.

I am.!!!  I sang laughing.

Yeah ight, a couple of us going bowling tonight after the game why don't you and ya girls come.?

Ummm I don't know.

And why not.?

Got some homework to do.! And practice in the morning.

Okay.? I won't have you out late it's a school day curfew 11 right.?


Okay than come out with me.


Yeah I win.! He smiled and kissed me.

Tierra 10 Nick 1.! I said rolling my eyes.

Yeah right it's the other way around.!

You wish it was.!

Aye you wanna get out of here?

And go where.

I know a place.! He grabbed my hand and led me up the stairs to the third floor. Through the science lab, a back office, and Down a hallway and up some stairs and through a door and we where on what seemed like a green house outside. On the top roof of the school. It was so big.! It looked like a sun porch. It had couches and a big screen tv, plants and a cooler with snacks and all.

Howww.!! Was the only words I managed to get out.

Well being the captain of the basketball team and the school star has its perks. Science club hooked me up.

Wow this is amazing.! I guess you really are a star.!

Yeah I usually just come up here when I need to chill or get away. Got a big game and I'm stressed like hell. Or just gotta take a minute to think and breathe.

Yeah I know what that's like. I'm always in the locker room before everybody trying to relax.

Gotta game tomorrow night right.?

Yeah last game of the season hopefully I get scouted.

You haven't been scouted yet.?

No... well I have but UCLA but I really wanna get into Howard that's like my dream school. If they don't come tomorrow than I'm fucked and I guess I'll be riding the wave to UCLA.

They a really good school think about going there. I'm considering it. I have a full ship to them.


Yeah. I honestly don't know where I want to go. I just want a good education and to play ball and head to the NBA. I always wanted to be number 3 for the Heat.

That's your favorite team.?


Mine to.! I always wanted to be over seas playing ball living the dream. Being the baller princess winning every game there was.! Including the championship.!

Do it.! Everything and anything is possible.

Yeah I know I just can't stand to lose my mom and brothers I have to be here for them at all times.

I understand but sometimes you have to let go and follow your dreams.

Your right.!

I know I am!

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