Chapter 11

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Today was my first day back at school. I was out for a month. My mom was beside me helping me in. I was trying so hard to adjust to my new life. My locker was decorated with trophies,basketball and get well notes. Everyone that passed me said "welcome back" or "congratulations" you could feel the love all in the air. I was actually happy now. Until what I seen. Nick walked down the hall with his arm around Jayla. He looked at me than looked away but I know he felt me staring him down.

Come on baby don't worry about him finish putting your things away.! My mom said grasping my attention. Not once did he call me to check up on me. Stop by asked my friends about me NOTHING.! How can somebody say you mean everything to them and they never show it when it mattered most. How can you mean EVERYTHING to someone but they move on so fast.?

I made my way to my first period class. Everybody was so supportive and helpful. I used the bathroom excuse to go to my safe place. I made my way into the gym. It was just how I remembered it.! My jersey with my name on it hung up on the wall of fame. I smiled so hard I started to cry. This was so painful this was my life it was all I ever wanted. I grabbed a ball and attempted to make a couple shots. The first ones where rough. The second round was a little better. Just before I was about to except my life of fate of never playing again I felt arms around mine. Guiding my hands in the correct position and making me shoot a perfect 3. I turned around to be face to chest. My heart was beating fast. He grabbed my chin making me look up at him. He leaned down and kissed me. It was just like our first kiss. Full of love and passion. I didn't know what to say. I didn't know if I should be mad or happy. We starred into each other's eyes. His was full of pain and sorrow. His hand held the side of my face while his forehead rested on mine.

I love you Tierra.! He said with so much love I actually believed him. Tears filled my eyes and I couldn't say it back even though my thoughts screamed it. I started to walk away but he grabbed me back. "Tierra I mean it I love you, I never got to tell you I'm sorry.! I never got to be there for you. If I could take it back I would.! I love you.!"' I yanked my arm away from him and moved out the gym as fast as I could. I couldn't stop crying. I made my way into the bathroom to call my mom. I needed her to come get me. I wasn't ready to come back.

Omg I had the most amazing sex last night.! I heard Jayla voice say.

With who.? Both her friends asked.

Nick.! Like that was the best dick I have ever had. And we was only 10 minutes into it. He kept thinking about Tierra ass.!

Hate her you deserve Nick.! One of her friends said. I opened the stall door hanging up the phone with my mom.

Yeah you know what I attend to have that affect on people. They either love me or hate me. Too bad Nick loves me to the point you'll never have a chance with him. I said sweetly before walking out! Then bitches was on hush and not a word was said. They looked like they seen a ghost. I made my way to the cafeteria because I knew that me and Nick had lunch together. He was sitting with his friends. I walked over to them sat on his lap straddling him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him nice, slow, and passionately.! As I opened my eyes Jayla was standing at the door watching us. If looks could kill I be dead.

I love you too.! I said looking him in his eyes but loud enough for her to hear. I kissed him again before I got off of him. My mom was calling me so I made my way outside. I don't know why bitches try me. I always come out with the win.!

Love & BasketballOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora