Chapter 15- Phone Call

Start from the beginning

"My parents were drunk? They had just had a new born child and they were drunk!" I say. "They had left me at home during the night and they said that my sister was sick and she had to go to the hospital." I say, in shock from everything.

"I did see my dad take some bottles of alcohol. I remember." I say thinking back to when my dad had taken a few bottles of Vodka from the cupboard.

"You need to tell the police. It's evidence." Becca says and I shake my head.

"No, I'm not going to invlove myself into that accident. It's over and I'm trying to forget about it." I say and Becca nods, understanding. 

"Anyway, any good news?" I ask and Becca nods.

"Well, I was going to tell Vince but I will tell you first." Becca says fidgeting with her fingers.

"I'm pregnant." Becca announces.

I yell with excitment. Becca had been trying for the most of three years. She is finally going to be a mother. "Becca I'm so happy for you!" I say jumping over to her and hugging her.

"I am too. I mean I am happy that I'm finally going to have a child." Becca says and I nod. That's what Becca had been trying for for years and she finally has it.

"When are you going to tell Vince?" I ask and Becca shrugs.

"Tonight. Well I had done the test last week and it was positive." Becca says  sounding more happily than I've ever heard her. More happy even when I earned the captain my soccer team. She was like one proud mother when that happened. Becca is like a mother to me, I am happy for her whatever happens. 

"Becca that's amazing. I really know you will take good care of it because you're a great mother." I say. "You're like a mother to me." I say and I feel my heart warm. I haven't said that to someone in the last five years of my life.

"Tyler, You're like a son to me. I promise you, if you need anything just come to me. I'm always here for you." Becca says.

"I already have everything I need. I'm happy the way everything is." I say and I actually feel that it's true for the one time I've ever said that. The other times I've ever said that I've always had the gut feeling that something bad was going to happen.

"Tyler I really hope you are. You deserve to be happy and you deserve a family." Becca says and I almost feel lime crying. I feel like Becca is my family.  I love her more than I have ever loved someone in the past five years. She is like a mother to me.


Tessa, Maya and I all run into the girls bathrooms. After we just saw Annabell totally flip out at the condom prank we ran for our asses.  We look ourselves in the disabled cubicle. I quickly shove the door shut behind me and I lock the door. Maya puts the toilet lid down and she sits on it. Tessa paces around the small cubicle area with her hands on her head. 

"This is bad. She knows its us! She isn't going to stop at that and we know that. She is going to fight back ten times harder until either one of us get kicked out of the school." Tessa says anxiety filling her worried face.

"Then we fight back. She knew if she came back to the school that we would pull pranks on her." I say.

"She came back for one reason and one thing only." Maya says and I look at her.

"She only came back because Tyler is living at your house and she wants him back. She dosen't want you getting your hands on him. That's why you need to go out with him to show her who is better!" Maya shouts and I give Maya the look to be quiet. 

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