Chapter 56

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A/N: Please re-read Chapter 37-39 as they have been re-written slightly due to developments in the show. I hope you are enjoying the story so far :)



"Another Shadowhunter was found dead last night in Williamsburg. This time, murdered this time murdered by a warlock. In this time of crisis, it is essential that we maintain strong leadership. That is why I am naming Jace Herondale Head of the Institute, effective upon my departure to Idris. Dismissed." The Inquisitor said.
"Let's not make a big deal about this. She's still in charge until she leaves." Jace said.
"Still! Being appointed Head of the Institute and finding out you're a Herondale? Don't let it get to your head." Izzy said.
"So Herondales are what, like the Kennedys of the Shadow World?" I asked.
"It's an old Shadowhunter family. Like the Lightwoods." Alec told her.
"But we are the Kennedys." Izzy added.
"Let's focus on what matters. The Inquisitor would like us to reach out to our allies, to see what they know. At this point, she considers all Downworlders suspects." Jace said.
"That's casting a pretty broad net." Alec commented.
"She can't possibly think any of our friends did this." Clary said in disbelief.
"Yeah, well, we'll prove that to her. Since Luke's DNA cleared him, we should collect samples from all of our friends to clear them as well. I'll make an Institute-wide announcement." Jace said.
"I'll go talk to Simon." I replied before walking away.

*At Simon's place*

"I just need a sample of your DNA to prove that you're not guilty of any of these murders. You don't have to prove yourself to me, but the Inquisitor has basically said that all Downworlders are suspects and I want you to be cleared." I explained.
"Clary, I can't do that. I'm sorry." Simon replied softly.
"Luke did it. He gave a DNA sample. It was his idea. He knew it would clear him." I explained.
"You know my Bubbie Helen?" Simon asked suddenly.
"Yeah, of course." I said. I'd met all Simon's family members.
"When she was little, her family owned a bakery in Poland. One day, these soldiers came in and asked to put a star in the window. They wanted to know which shops were Jewish-run. You know, no big deal, for their records. Then they had to wear white armbands, and they couldn't ride the train. Then they were forced to ride the train. My Bubbie Helen was the only one in her family to survive." He told me, trailing off at the end. I got up and rounded the table that I was sitting at.
"Simon I am so sorry. I didn't realize." I said. I took his hand in comfort as he continued.
"That's why I can't do what you're asking. For her." He said softly. I completely understood where he was coming from and why he couldn't do it.
"It's alright. If you can't, then that's perfectly fine." I said. "I should head home." I said.
"I should walk you back." Simon said. I smiled fondly at him.
"No, Simon, I'll be fine. Trust me." I replied, not wanting to worry him.
"I do trust you, I just worry about your safety." Simon said.

*Walking back to the Institute*

"Hi Simon." I greeted him.
"Where are you?" He asked...again.
"Two blocks away from where I was when you called me 20 seconds ago." I said with a smile.
"You see, this is stupid. I should have never let you convince me that you were OK to walk home alone!" He said immediately.
"I'm fine! I'll be home in like-" I said, before I was punched thrown to the ground. I immediately knew what was happening. I was being attacked. I kicked the person to try and get away from them, but then I started to feel dizzy. They had obviously drugged me. The last thing I heard was Simon calling my name.


When I saw Clary being dragged away by a black figure in a hood, I knew immediately what was happening.
"Clary!" I called. The figure then dropped her and ran away. I knelt down next to her. She was unconscious and had a head injury, but at least she was still alive. I need to get her to the Institute.

*Later – At the Institute*


"So you didn't see the attacker at all? No description? Nothing?" I asked.
"It was hard to see and I had to choose. Either go after them or help Clary. Would you have done it differently?" Simon snapped. He and I both knew perfectly well that I would have done the same.
"You better get going." I said, trying to get him to leave before he got in trouble for being here.
"No. I'm not going anywhere until she wakes up." He said firmly.
"Under the circumstances, there's a lockout order on all Downworlders." I explained.
"What else is new? Jace, I saved her. I brought her here, and when she wakes up I'm gonna be there for her." Simon said firmly.
"I wish that were possible, but the Institute is on high alert. There are new rules here." I said, trying to reason with him.
"I don't care about your rules. I care about Clary. I'm not leaving." He replied.
"It's not a request, Mr. Lewis." The Inquisitor said sternly as she walked into the room.
"Look, I'm-I'm not a criminal, I'm her best friend." He protested.
"Simon. Please don't make this worse. I'll let you know as soon as I hear anything about her." I implored him. I didn't want to make it worse for himself. Despite my dislike for Simon, he was special to Clary and he saved her life. He didn't deserve to be locked up.
"You will leave this Institute or I'll have you escorted to a cell. I will not ask again." Inquisitor Herondale said.
"You don't have to. I'm not leaving." He said sternly. The guards who were Inquisitor Herondale had bought with her walked over to Simon and grabbed him by his arms, dragging him towards the door. "Jace! Tell Clary I'm here! Tell Clary I'm here!" He asked as he was dragged out the door. I made a silent promise to both him and myself that I would do exactly that. I didn't know how she would react, but I knew I would tell her nonetheless. I turned to
"Simon has been helpful in the past. He's an ally. Don't you think throwing him in jail is a little excessive?" I told the Inquisitor.
"A Downworlder cannot challenge our authority. Not in times like these." She stated. I honestly thought she sounded very condescending in that moment, but I could not challenge her or argue since she was both my superior and my grandmother.

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