Y/N?// Mitch

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Mitch's POV

After y/n died, my entire life fell apart. I was going to do everything to kill the person that took everything away from me.

Y/n died in a plane crash on her way to a new internship out of the country. We were together since 7th grade, I asked her to marry me. And then, just like that, she was gone.

I was on a mission in Africa, tracking a subject before assassination. I was eating at an outdoor stand outside, talking to Hurley through my earbud when I first saw it.

At first, I told myself that I was seeing things, that I was being crazy. Her y/h/c whipping in the air as the wind caught it.

I was up and out of my seat before my mind even clicked, I watched as she turned a corner and looked at me. Not at me, but where I could see her face.

"Y/n?" I mumbled underneath my breath.

Before I knew it, I had grabbed her arm, turning her to face me.

"Mitch?" She asked me.

"Y/n.." I trailed off, confusion blinding my thoughts. "What are you-"

Gunshots rang through the air as I reached out impulsively, pulling her to the ground.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her.

"You're a target," she said to me. "I couldn't let them kill you."

I stopped, furrowing my eyebrows. "You're an agent?"

She shrugged. "Yeah, not the time Mitch."

She pulled a gun from the waistband of her jeans before pointing it over my shoulder and shooting. 

"Come on." She said to me, slipping her hand into my mind and pulling me along.

We got to a car, where she started to drive off towards the outskirts of town.

"What happened?" I asked her quietly.

"I was an undercover agent for the CIA," she said to me. "That day on the beach, my cover was blown."

"So everything we went through was a lie?"

She reached over, taking my hand. "No, no our love was real, Mitch. Just after I died on the beac-

"Wait, you actually died?"

She nodded, putting both hands back on the steering wheel. "I've been hiding and recovering for a while now, but after I heard about you, Mitch, you've picked up quite the reputation."

"I did it for you."

She ignored me, shaking her head. "You've got a big ass target on your back."

I raised my eyebrows at her.

"Those people back there opened fire in a public space, they don't care about collateral damage, Mitch, you've got to go into hiding," she said to me. "Luckily for you, I have new alias and a safe house waiting."

"Wait, we're going under together?"

"Yeah, that's okay, right?" She asked me.

I reached over, taking her hand that I missed too much. "Of course it is."

"You and me till the end." She smiled, pressing her lips against my knuckled.

"Yeah," I smiled. "You and me till the end."


y'all i am back and i have a new/not so new obsession

harry styles is back in my life

i have loved him for 7 years straight someone help

also got chapters inspired from his new album


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