The waters of Lethe - Part 3

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Most of the villagers had headed back to their huts, Clarke and Darius remained at the bar; Jonah and Max were by the fire. Amori and Murphy were singing loudly, drunk at one of the tables, alongside Raven and Bellamy, who casually sat with his feet up, moonshine in hand.
The music echoed through the hall, the lights beginning to fade.

Darius stood closely next to Clarke, talking just out of earshot of the group on the table in front of them.
"You know, it's going to be dangerous tomorrow Clarke" Darius said, leaning against the bar, his back to the crowd, eyes locked on Clarke.
"It wouldn't be a rescue mission if it were easy, would it" Clarke laughed.

Bellamy watched as Darius leaned in closer to Clarke. Her body language was strange. She was guarded, her arms crossed in front of her, her stance rigid.
"Do you think they survived, in the bunker..... I mean? It's been so long....." Darius continued.
"We have to have hope, Darius" Clarke said, looking into her cup, before leaning over the bar to pour herself another.
"Hope? Is that what you call it? It's a suicide mission Clarke" Darius retorted, his face darkening. Clarke watched him carefully, he'd had too much to drink.
"You're leading the last of the survivors of earth, out into the wilderness, into god knows what, to be ambushed by those savages!"
Darius raised his voice, anger and sadness showing in his face.

Bellamy's ears pricked up, a frown forming on his brow after seeing Clarke's nervous expression. Raven looked over her shoulder at the pair, confused.

"Not here, Darius" Clarke's face was stern, looking around the hall discreetly.
"If you want to air your doubts, do it in private. We need everyone to stay focused" Clarke said, pleading slightly.
"Come with me." Darius said angrily, grabbing Clarke's arm to lead her outside.
Clarkes face grew angry, she tore her arm away, before turning on her heel and signalling for Darius to follow her outside.

They walked for a moment, to escape the earshot of the camp. 
The forest was beautiful, the bioluminescent bacteria in the water, the iridescent plants lighting up the woodland.

"If we do nothing, if they weren't dead before, they will be very soon" Clarke said, breaking the silence, stopping at the top of the hill, looking down over the camp.
"It's a suicide mission Clarke. The prisoners are too close. The bunker is under 20 foot of rubble"
Clarke looked at Darius, his face grew tired. His eyes defeated.
"We have to try. The survival of the human race depends on it. You just have to have hope" Clarke pleaded, before looking at the sky.
"Hope. Yeah" Darius retorted angrily.
"Throwing away humanity on hope. Good plan Wanheada"
Clarke turned to face Darius, her stance strong.
"If it was your mother down there, your sister, your partner, would you just leave them there to die?!" Clarke cried, the blood rushing to her face.
Darius grabbed Clarke by the arms violently, suddenly shaking her.
"You always want to save everyone. Can't you see? You can't!" He shouted.
"Get off me!!!" Clarke cried, struggling to release herself from his grip, he was too strong.
"Little Wanheada, willing to sacrifice everyone so that she can rescue those that she loves" Darius spoke slowly, his voice threatening.
"You dragged us to meet with those prisoners. You led us into space, nearly getting us all killed. All you think about is yourself" Darius's grip tightened.
"Darius, please, you're hurting me" Clarke pleaded, doing everything she could to escape his clasp.
"You just lead everyone down your little path, expecting them to follow blindly. I followed you, look where it's gotten me. You lead me on, and now that your little skycrew is back, you are willing to lead me to my death"
"Lead you on?! I've never led you on Darius!" Clarke insisted angrily.
Darius laughed, before slamming Clarke into a nearby tree with a thud, cracking her head against the bark.
"I wouldn't be so sure...."
Darius pressed Clarke against the tree with his entire body, his lips bearing down on hers with extreme force, stealing the kiss from her lips.
Clarke struggled, a tiny scream escaped her whilst she kicked frantically at his rock hard body. He was so strong, his arms were like steel, she didn't have a chance.

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