"The girls here are nice." Calum countered and Michael looked at him with a risen eyebrow.

"I didn't say they weren't." Michael corrected him. "It's just that I saw a girl get up out of her seat in my last period and she had no panties on. I was literally flashed." Michael snorted and the two juniors gasped loudly. "So, away from my three second hell, any empty seats?"

"Uh, there's one by the door. Last seat beside the shelves of books." Calum answered and Michael began heading over to it. "Any idea what the girl's name was?"

"If I did know, I don't care enough to spread her business. For the record however, I don't know. All I know is the bitch needs to shave, or at least trim that jungle. Lord have mercy." Michael admitted as he rolled his eyes and Luke laughed.

"I can't stand being hairy. I always have to shave, cause I'm always sleeping in shorts or underwear. Having overgrown body hair makes me kind of uncomfortable." The blonde confessed and Calum agreed.

Michael couldn't help his mind as it wandered off, wondering how far the statement, I can't stand being hairy, went. Did he mean that for every body part that grows hair? He then begins to wonder if Luke also wears girls' underwear aswell, like he does with their shoes, their shirts, and their pants.

Stop being a fucking creep, Michael mentally scolded himself, looking down at his black bacpack as he grabbed a pen and notebook.

"What about you, Michael? You shop at the girls' section too?" Calum asked and Michael showed off his jeans, which were truly a work of art.

"Do you think they make jeans this tight for guys? You get called gay if it hugs your ass, let alone your entire lower body. Of course I do." Michael snorted and people around him stared. "It's as far as I go, skinny jeans. My body just wasn't built for feminine clothing."

"Neither was mine but I still look cute in my crop tops." Luke grinned, shooting up a peace sign as he pushed his lips together.

"No one can deny that." Michael nodded and Luke blushed as Calum rose an eyebrow at the boy.


"Better than being dirty." Michael shrugged as the bell rang and the teacher told them to get started on their bellwork.

Michael almost forgot what class this was until he read the paragraph prompt, which coincidentally read, 'say you and your 'bae' had a weekend alone, how would you spend it?'

"I don't think you wanna know, Mrs. K." Some kid laughed and the entire class busted into giggles, even Michael.

He couldn't tell if the kid was joking, or if he was genuine about it, but he thought it was a witty classroom comment nonetheless.

He began scribbling his answer down on his notebook, humming as he thought of what he'd do if he had a weekend alone with Luke.


Fuck it, Michael thought as he continued writing. Lord knows I like the kid, who even cares, he asked as he rolled his eyes.

When the timer went off, and Mrs. K began looking for people to share, Michael's hand shot up after he realized no one else was going to start it off. "Thank you..."

"Michael, my name's Michael. It's okay, I'm new." He smiled and looked at his notebook as the teacher told him the class was ready to listen.

Michael looked up to meet Luke's gaze, and he dropped his right eyelid into a wink before clearing his throat. "Okay, so this is very school appropriate. You don't gotta worry." Michael started and he could hear the teacher let out a sigh of relief.


"Okay, so first I'd probably buy like some kind of delivery junk food, and maybe open my laptop. Only to watch movies though, I'm a slow kinda guy, you gotta taken your time." He laughed with some of the class and Luke looked away for a second. "We'd probably just sit in bed inside of our pajamas and eat until we fell asleep. Then the next day, wake them up with breakfast and possibly repeat the sequence, or go and hang out somewhere."

"That's sweet." The teacher smiled and Michael nodded as he looked in Luke's direction. "Anyone else? Kayla? Joey? Calum?"

"I'll go." Luke offered and Michael leaned back as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Um, if I had a weekend with my crush, I'd want to just sit around and watch movies. Maybe we'd have a playful banter, and maybe we'd make a playlist of our favourite songs so we can cuddle to them as we talk throughout the night - possibly til' we fall asleep."

"Gay!" Calum shouted, and Luke flipped his best friend off. Michael was confused why the teacher just laughed instead of butting in, but he realizes that it's probably a common occurance for them to make fun of one another.

"What's your favourite song, Luke?" The teacher asked and Michael felt a blush creep up his neck when Luke answered.

"Well, it changes on my mood, but right now it's November Rain by Guns N' Roses. I love it."

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