Chapter 27 - Final

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"We need to get you cleaned up," He smirked, "Before I change my mind and make even more of a mess on your pretty stomach."

"You're ridiculous," I giggled, "But I love you."

"I love you too, princess," And together we dragged our tired bodies out of the now messy bed and had a little too much fun before finally cleaning each other off in the warm, steamy shower.


'Hey, I just left class. I'll meet you at Costa in fifteen minutes.'

I stared down at my phone that was sitting right on top of the table I was sat on, right next to my freshly made mint tea. My legs were twitching and shaking in a nervous beat and my hands felt sweaty when I picked up my phone and answered a quick 'alright, i'm here already'.

I was at Costa for about ten minutes, purposely early, because I was meeting up with Zayn. I'd been debating whether or not to swipe him under the rug and eventually forget about him or confront him and end our friendship. The latter gave me more peace of mind and even though Harry didn't want me to meet up with him, he eventually gave in when Liam interjected me to meet up with him somewhere public where making a scene would turn heads, and that is obviously the last thing I wanted.

So here I was, sipping on some tea as I patiently waited for the raven haired man to come through the glass doors and take a seat in front of me. I was surprisingly calmer than I thought I'd be, but still a tad bit nervous. I was fully certain it was better if Zayn just moved on and I was hoping that's how today's gonna be.

I was in the middle of playing a random game on my phone when I heard a chair screech quietly against the floor and a familiar looking person all dressed in black, like usual, sat in front of me. I looked up and saw that it was Zayn, just like I had expected.

"Hi," He said stiffly, I couldn't blame him for that one though.

"Hi," I replied, gazing up at him as his eyes were averted downwards to his hands that were intertwined on top of the table, "Thank you for meeting up with me."

"S'alright," He mumbled, looking at the counter to his right, "What'd you want to talk about? Haven't heard from you in a while."

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat when Zayn finally looked up at my eyes and all I could stare back at was a blank face with emotionless eyes.

"About that..." I started, "There's really no easy way to say this, so instead of rambling up a stupid excuse or whatever, I'll just come out and say it."

Zayn raised an eyebrow expectantly, "I can't be friends with you anymore."

I was expecting a surprised look on his tan face, an argument, a fight, but all I got from him was a deep sigh and an understanding nod.

"I know, Louis," He surprisingly said, "Even though I still think we could be friends, I understand where you're coming from. I've-I've definitely crossed a couple of lines before but I'm not a bad person, I just make some bad decisions sometimes."

I nodded in agreement, "I'm not saying you're a bad person anyways, Zayn. I just think we should give this friendship a rest. It's not working for either of us."

"I know and I agree with you," He replied, "It was good while it lasted, though."

I smiled, "It was."

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