Chapter 4

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I stepped out of the stool and ungracefully left the bar, ignoring Harry's calls of my name. I rushed into a taxi and gave out my address. As the car started, I glanced out of the window and saw Harry standing at the entrance, with a confused expression on his face.


College had finally started and to say I was nervous was an understandment. It had been exactly a week since I first moved in and the only person who I could call a friend was Liam. Unfortunately for me, Liam would hardly be around me in school since he was already on his third year and I was a newcomer, so classes and schedules were clearly different.

At this point, I wouldn't even consider Harry a friend. It was quite childish of me, but after what I've been can I trust him? Sure, it was probably meaningless, as Liam had told me when I ranted to him, it was Harry's job to entertain, after all. But I couldn't help but get jealous over him, and he wasn't even mine to keep!

He has been texting me. He's apologized over and over again but I thought things over and f we were to hypothetically be together, how could I deal with the relationship knowing that every night, he'd be chatting up people? It was a thought that hurt me and made me not reply to his texts. Either way, I was already stressed enough over the start of Uni, I didn't want to have o deal with the pressure of Harry Styles. Although, I kind of do miss his bright green eyes and majestic hair...

Anyway, Liam was still in bed when i got up at seven in the morning, sharp. My classes started at eight thirty and the last thing I wanted to do was be late and cause a bad first impression towards everyone. So with that in mind, I climbed out of bed and started my morning routine, and by eight, I was out of the building.

As I didn't have a drivers license, I had to walk to school. Not that I minded, it was pretty close anyway. If anything, it just gave me fifteen minutes to try and calm down and relax. It was just college, most newcomers were probably as terrified as I was. Or so I hoped.

I arrived in campus on time and as I was texting my mum, jokingly telling her to come pick me up, someone accidentally bumped into me. I was about to fall face first, but the culprit of the bump quickly grabbed my forearms and balanced me. I turned around to glare at whoever pushed me but the glare came to a halt when I saw one of the most attractive men in the face of earth.

Standing there, with a tan complexion and effortlessly beautiful hair was God himself.

"Sorry, mate," He chuckled apologetically, "Are you alright? I wasn't looking where I was walking to."

Instead of replying, I just stood there with my jaw slightly slacked and a fluterry chest. I almost wanted to cry about how beautiful this man was.

"Uh, mate?" He asked, "Are you there? I didn't knock you too hard, did I?"

"W-what?" I shook my head, as if coming back into reality, "Oh, uh. I'm fine, sorry- It's not your fault, I was just, uh, standing here."

To my surprise, the starnger laughed, "I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik. What's your name?"

"M'Louis Tomlinson," I replied. I could feel my cheeks getting hotter and I cursed myself for getting flustered so easily.

"So," Zayn started, "Are you new here?"

"Yeah," I gulped, "S'my first year here. Also I'm new to the town, I don't know anybody. I'm quite nervous, to be honest."

"Ah, don't be, Louis," He smiled, "You know me now, no need to be so nervous. Tell me, what classes do you have now?"

"English lit," I replied, "What about you?"

"You're in luck, mate," He smirked, "Let's walk to class."

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