Chapter 19

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It was a stupid joke that wasn't even that funny, but it managed to make Aaron into a laughing mess. I raised an eyebrow at him but alas shrugged. After being stuck with him for a short amount of time, I realized he found the littlest things funny, so it wasn't as if his behavior was new to me. I just wasn't that used to people laughing at everything I said. Even the things that weren't necessarily funny.

"Alright then..." I chuckled awkwardly as Aaron wiped off tears that had sprung out of his eyes, "Let's move the boxes?"


Harry's POV

Today was the day. I was meeting up with the producer from that record company that contacted me previously and I was completely nervous. Louis told me I was too jittery and that I shouldn't be worried. He insisted the crew was going to absolutely love me and even hire me on the spot, yet I was still shaking to the core.

I could barely even catch a blink of sleep the night before. I was up practically all night, tossing and turning on my bedsheets, thinking about different scenarios that might happen. They ranged from being hired and throwing a massive celebration with happy tears and Louis, to being rejected and balling my eyes out for the wrong reasons.

I mean, I knew I was good at what I did. My family and friends constantly assured me that I was following the right path, and even crowds at bars I'd get gigs at would motivate me to pursue my dreams even more! But none of that could compare to the final answer of a record label. Whoever it was that ran it had my future in his palm and I was starting to get nauseous over what could happen, good or bad.

I was standing in front of a rather intimidatingly tall building and it was at that moment that I felt like running away. I could back out at any minute but my fucking feet had a mind of their own and in one second, I was inside. It looked modern and ridiculously expensive. The entrance was pretty empty, with the exception of a woman behind a large desk, tapping away on her computer.

I realized I was just standing there like an absolute twat, so I awkwardly walked over to the woman. She didn't even look up at me, I doubt she even realized I had walked in. I coughed sarcastically and the woman finally looked up.

"Can I help you?" She asked in an impatient tone, as if my presence bothered her already.

"I have an, uh, appointment with Mr. Richards?" I said unsurely, "My name is Harry Styles, I've talked with his assistant on the phone."

The woman eyed me up and down before turning back to the computer and typing along. The air was awkward and I was, annoyingly enough, tapping my foot on the floor. The guitar strap I had on my shoulder was starting to feel uncomfortable each second that passed with the woman ignoring me and analyzing the screen monitor.

"Alright, Mr. Styles," The woman finally said, "Turn right and walk to the elevator. Go to the third floor and wait for your name to be called."

I smiled at her and followed her instructions. The cliché elevator music was making me even more nervous and I was basically in auto-pilot mode until a different woman with blonde hair and a sophisticated pencil skirt called my name and I discreetly wiped my wet palms on my jeans to hide how nervous I was. I grabbed my guitar and followed the woman into a room with one important looking man sitting behind a desk, a woman writing down notes and another man who looked tedious.

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