Chapter 25

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To say I was surprised by his change of attitude would be an understatement. I would never expect Zayn to actually show up in my flat and apologize for what he did like this. I was starting to have mixed feelings about him and this whole situation. Maybe it was the fact that I was too tired of this bloody arguing that made me even consider forgiving Zayn, and just staring at him with those sorrowful eyes of his was really tempting.

"You know what?" I said, "I think I'll-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?!" A voice that was too familiar yelled from out of my door. I looked over to see Harry making his way to Zayn, with a furious look on his face and I knew I was in for a headache.


Harry's POV

After dropping off Lou at his flat and receiving a good luck kiss from him, I drove off into the city to the building I never thought I'd go back to. I was still a bit uncertain about this and I really didn't want to get my hopes up, so I tried to focus on anything else but this, which proved to be really impossible.

Anyways, in complete auto-pilot mode, I parked my car nearby the building I was having the meeting at and took a second to control my nerves. My knees were shaking a little bit and the longer I stayed in my car, the worse it'd be. So with that in mind, I got out and quickly made my way to the building.

"Can I help you?" The same indifferent receptionist asked, repeating the same words she told me last time I was here, when I got in.

"Uh, yeah. I'm here for a meeting with Mr. Richards." I replied. The woman stopped typing and looked up at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Third floor up the elevator," She said, "Go right in, he's already expecting you."

I nodded and thanked the woman who seemingly hated me already, for no particular reason. I didn't think much about it, I'd probably be pretty bitter too if I had to sit down all day behind a desk doing God knows what.

Anyways, as I stepped out of the elevator after a painfully slow ride up the building, I let out a shaky breath and raised my head up in confidence. Walking down this hallways was giving me war flashbacks and I shook them out of my head before coming to face with a familiar adjacent glass door. Out of politeness, I knocked before stepping in when I was granted access.

"You didn't have to knock, Mr. Styles," Mr. Richards spoke without looking me in the eyes. He was too busy writing something down to even spare a glance.

I smiled, "It's the most respectful thing to do."

He put his pen down and looked up, "You're very big on respect, aren't you, Harold?"

"It's Harry, sir," I corrected, "And yes, I am. I see no reason not to be."

To my surprise, he chuckled, "I like you, Harry. You're very talented and I see a lifetime of success in front of you."

"Thank you," Who does this bloke think he is? A bloody fortune teller? I thought to myself, "Did you call me just to compliment me on my talent?"

"And a bit impatient too, I see," He commented, leaning back, "I'll go straight to the point, I want to hire you, Harry."

My eyes widened in surprise, "You do? I thought my homosexuality was an inconvenience to you."

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