Chapter 26

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"Well, maybe I don't need any defending today," He sighed, "We'll talk tomorrow."

I scoffed and was about to fight back before he beat me to.

"And Zayn," He started, "I'll think about what you said."

With that said, he spared me a quick downcast look before shutting his door on our faces, leaving me with the man who has done nothing but mess up our lives.


Louis' POV

When I finally closed the door on Harry and Zayn's faces, I couldn't help but quickly glance at the man I love. His curls were wild and he had an incredulous look on his face. It really did hurt me to close the door on his face because I knew he had good intentions, but I didn't want to deal with what just happened just yet.

I needed to think things over. More specifically, I needed to think about Zayn. I was really conflicted because even after all the bullshit that he had put me through, I knew he was a good guy and an even better friend. I still couldn't understand how he even developed a crush on me, since I feel like he's way out of my legue anyways.

I already knew how Harry felt about Zayn so going to him would be pointless. I mean, he did give me some really good advice when I needed some, but Zayn was a whole different story and it was one I had to decide how it ended.

I sighed and leaned against the closed door as I tried to will away a headache that was coming. Perfect, just what I needed. I groaned and backed away from the door to go to the shared bathroom me and Liam had to grab some medicine, but my plans were ruined when I heard the shower running and the faint, terrible singing coming from Liam himself. I rolled my eyes and decided that sleeping off was probably my best option since I wasn't in the mood to eat anything, so with a turn of my heel, I sauntered my way to my room, took my pants off and got under the covers before dozing off with a million thoughts running over my head.


Next morning, I woke up groggy and my throat was slightly aching. I really needed a wee so even though I really wanted to stay in bed, my body was literally forcing me to get up. With a sigh, I pushed myself out of the comfy bed and I rushed to the bathroom, where I releaved myself. After washing my hands, I dragged myself to the kitchen, where I saw Liam eating cereal with his face in his phone, tapping away on the screen. I didn't find it surprising since Liam was always up so early.

"Morning," I spoke as I walked past my roommate over to the cupboards to grab myself some cereal and a bowl. Hopefully, Liam didn't finish what little of the milk we had.

"Morning, Lou," Liam said, still staring at his phone. He had on a cheeky smile on his face and even though I was too tired to maintain a conversation, I still managed to find the energy within me to do so.

"What's got you so smiley this morning?" I asked before sitting in front of him on the kitchen table and putting a spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

Liam looked up at me and set his phone aside, "I'm going on a date with Sophia tonight, I'm finally gonna ask her to be my girlfriend."

"You still haven't asked her?" I frowned, "I figured you did ages ago."

He shook his head, "Nah, I wasn't completely sure if I wanted to, but when I realized I couldn't think of anything but her, I knew I had to have her."

"Aw, how sweet," I said with a smile that I knew was way too forced, to apoint where Liam even noticed.

"You alright, mate? You look stressed." He commented.

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