Chapter 15

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"My sisters' on holiday with her husband and my mum is on a cruise with her friends. I was honestly not looking forward to spend Christmas alone, so I'm more than happy to go. If you'll have me, of course."

"Why wouldn't I?" I asked, and for the rest of the afternoon, me and Harry were cuddled on his couch and I couldn't be happier.


I was never one to hate on things, mostly because hate is a very strong word, that really shouldn't be used as casually as it is. I strongly disliked many things, but hate was another level.

And one thing I definitelt hated was being woken up with shouting and yelling, and of course, people singing me happy birthday at seven in the bloody morning.

"Happy birthday, Lou!!" Liam and Zayn yelled out. I groaned into the pillow and seconds later, I felt two bodies drop on either side of me and hug me until I couldn't breathe.

"L-Liam! Z-Zayn!" I gasped in pain, "I c-can't b-breathe!"

"Sorry, Loubear!" He laughed. I rolled my eyes at the ridiculous nickname my mum called me, which Liam unfortunately heard when I was having a private skype talk with my family.

Liam and Zayn rolled off of me and I took this chance to sit up and stretch out my crushed limbs. I blinked sleep out of my eyes and raised my eyebrow at the sight of my friends. They each had mischievous smirks and a red santa hat on their heads. To say they look ridiculous was an understandment.

"Both of you look really...festive." I commented.

"Is there any other way to celebrate Christmas and your birthday?" Zayn asked, "Now shut up, we have gifts!"

"You didn't have to get me anything," I said, trying my best to hide a smile. I've never had anyone other than my family get me presents for my birthday.

"Nonsense!" Liam shot back. He grabbed a small gift bag with a little bow tied on top. I giggled at how cute it looked but my smile faded from my face as soon as I peeked into the gift Zayn and Liam had got me.

"Why did you give me this?!" I blushed crimson. I was absolutely mortified with what they gave me, "What the hell?!"

They, much to my displeasure, laughed at my reaction and picked up the bag I had thrown to the end of my bed.

"What's wrong with some lube and condoms?" Liam asked, "I'm sure Harold would appreciate it."

"Oh, shut up," I crossed my arms, "I'm not even telling Harry what you got me."

"You don't have to," Liam smirked, "He already knows."

My face blanked, "You can't be serious."

"Oh, I can," He wiggled his eyebrows teasingly before letting out an enormous laugh. I can't believe they're even teasing me about this! Why can't I have normal friends who buy me actual presents instead of...condoms and lubricants??

"You're both such idiots," I groaned.

"Don't break our hearts, Lou," Zayn teased, "You'll thank us one day."

"Now stop complaining," Liam said, "I made you pancakes. Get up and go eat them before they get cold."

"Yes, boss," I muttered, but inside, I was really happy I got to eat some pancakes.

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