Chapter 1

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Starting university was something the majority of teenagers were incredibly nervous about. There were all these little aspects that made such a common thing seem like the end of the world.

There was a lot of anxiety in meeting new people and having a brand new start and the beginning of your adulthood life. Yes, we were all still kids, some more than others, but university was different than high-school and we had other expectations.

Of course, the common college student wasn't always as responsible as they should be. Frat parties were a regular in practically every university, you can hardly escape them. You don't necessarily have to go, but it was the best way to meet new people and have new experiences. Drinking, drugs and sex were usuals at parties, or so what my older sister had told me, and it honestly frightened me a little.

I was a stupid eighteen year old who was best known as a fucking nerd. It wasn't so much because of my grades, which weren't as good as you'd assume they were, but it was because I was just this pussy who never got invited to parties and had an enormous lack of friends.

Highschool wasn't my greatest memory. I was bullied a few times but it didn't last long since people got bored of me not reacting at all. I somehow managed to spend four years without a stable friendship and after finally graduating and moving away from my hometown in Doncaster, I decided to do something about it.

For one, I decided to force myself to be more social, and to do that, I resorted into finding a flatmate. I didn't want to pay more than I had to for a dorm room, so me and my mum set out to look for someone who needed a flatmate, and it didn't take long for me to find Liam.

Liam Payne was already in his second year of Uni and he had been living with a friend who moved out due to finishing uni and getting a job in London. Liam was nice and after living with him for a week, I had no complaints. Luckily, both of us weren't the messiest around and our personalities didn't clash, despite Liam being way more outgoing and social than I had ever been. I didn't see him often. Our schedules were mismatched and he had a part-time job which took up most of his free time. The rest, he'd spend on studying or hanging out with his mates. I, on the other hand, didn't leave the flat much and it only took one skype call to my family to convince me to get out.

My mum and younger sisters were worried about me being alone. I was so used to having them around, it felt weird to not hear a high pitched yell every half an hour. The distance really worked wonders as I didn't have as much migraines as I used to, but that didn't make me miss them any less.

Anyways, when I told them I hadn't left the house much, my mum got immediately worried. I thought about lying and telling them Liam's friends usually come round and we all hang out together and drink some beers, but I knew they'd see right through my lie.

You see, I had a strong bond with my family. My mum and sisters have always been there for me and were my shoulders to cry on whenever I felt low for being such a massive failure. They encouraged me to get out of my comfort zone and find new people, but it was proving to be harder than I thought. Well, I was making it harder on myself. Even though classes haven't started, parties have been happening since the day I arrived. Liam invited me to one, but I fibbed and told him I still had to unpack a few boxes. Needless to say, I regretted my decision and now I had to hear from my mum and sisters.

"Is there a party or some sort of gathering tonight?" My mum asked. Even though the quality of her camera wasn't that great, I could still see the worry on her face.

"Not that I know of," I sighed, "Liam usually tells me whenever there's one but I doubt one's happening tonight."

"And what are you doing then?" My sister, Lottie, asked.

"Probably stay in and read. Maybe start looking through my books and study..." I thought out loud.

"Absolutely not!" My mum yelled, which surprised me as much as it did to my sisters, "Louis Tomlinson, I will not have you hide away in your apartment. You're going to get dressed and go find some parties. Go explore the town, something!"

"Explore the town?! Right now?" I questioned, "Are you out of your mind? It's half past nine! What if someone kidnaps me? Or rapes me?! I don't know my way around Cheshire yet!"

"And you won't get a chance to learn if you stay inside all day," My mum retaliated. I didn't have a response, she was right.

"Fine..." I grumbled, "But if I die, it's all your fault, mum!"

"I know, boobear," She smiled sweetly, "Go along then, we love you Louis."

"I love you too," I rolled my eyes and ended the skype call, dreading completely the night I had ahead of me.


After rading my wardrobe, I finally settled for a pair of skin tight black skinny jeans, a simple black t-shirt and a denim jacket with it's sleeves rolled up. I hesitantly put on my vans and took my time before grabbing my phone, wallet and house keys.

I stood in front of the door and let out a shaky breath. This was it. This was my time to get out of my comfort zone and meet new people. My hands were shaking and I thought about every single thing that could go wrong with tonight, but that didn't stop me from reaching out and opening the front door.

After a facebook search, I saw that there were, in fact, no parties on campus tonight. Which meant that I did have to go into town after all, much to my displeasure.

I decided to go downtown. I did a bit of a google search and found out that downtown was where people usually went to meet new people, have a few drinks, the list goes on. I got myself into a cab and told the driver to leave me downtown. The ride was a silent one and I was thankful for it. I always found it so awkward.

Anyway, sooner than I wished for, we arrived and I payed the man who drove me and hastily left the car. He wasted no time in driving away, so if I ended up chickening out, I'd have to find another way home.

Glancing around, I noticed several crowds of people and countless bars and restaurants next to each other. There was a huge party vibe going around and I felt on the verge of a panic attack. Everyone here looked like they were having so much fun and here I was, all alone and feeling like a damn outsider. My stomach hurt from the nerves I was feeling and I almost felt like I was about to give in...

No! Stop it, Louis! I'm eighteen, I should know how to act already. I wasn't going to let a couple of bars intimidate me, I was braver than that. I don't owe anyone anything, but I really wanted to prove to myself and my family that I could go out and have fun.

Keeping this in mind, I stepped forward and walked around with faux confidence until I found a place that didn't seem too crazy for me. And so began my night downtown.


A/N: So it's my birthday and I've been writing this for about more than a month and I finally decided to post this! I usually hate posting before not getting the story finished buuuut I'll make an exception :)

Updates will be whenever I can bcs I'm rlly busy!!!!! Enjoy!!! Don't forget to vote and comment :)

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