Chapter 8

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All too soon, our lips departed but our faces stayed close. The sky was becoming darker and I would give anything to make this moment longer.

Needless to say, it was probably the best date I have ever been on, and I was so happy it was with Harry.


Opening my front door, I was careful enough to be quiet as I made my way inside my flat. I didn't know if Liam was home and if he was, I didn't want to bother him at the moment.

So I cautiously closed the front door and took off my shoes, walking barefoot on the cool wooden floor. It creaked a little and I cursed at myself but turns out I didn't have to be quiet because Liam was standing in the kitchen, only in his boxers, making God knows what on the stove.

"Hi, Lee," I said to make my presence known, "What are you making? It smells like burning meat in 'ere."

"Good evening to you too, Louis," He muttered sarcastically, "And for you knowledge, I'm cooking a steak. A delicious, juicy one made by yours truly."

I glanced over his shoulder to see the steak frying on the pan, "It looks too overdone."

"Well, maybe I like it over done," He defended himself. I laughed, earning an amused glare from my roommate, who I would consider a friend now, "Anyway, where were you? You're usually at home before six."

"I forgot to tell you," I blushed, "Harry took me on a date."

Liam looked impressed, "Did he, now?"

"Yep," I confirmed, "He surprised me by picking me up at the Uni and then drove to the other side of town, into this park. We had a picnic date and it was so romantic."

"Did he shower you with flowers and chocolates?" Liam joked.

"Nope, but he kissed me later on." I giggled.

Liam's eyes widened and he turned his body so it was facing mine, completely forgetting about his too overdone steak, "You guys kissed? Was it any good?"

"Liam, it was perfect," I sighed dreamily, "His lips are magic, I swear. I didn't want to stop kissing him, he's so good at it!"

Liam smiled, "What else did you do?"

"Nothing much, really. We just talked and got to know each other better. Guess what!" I gasped, "Harry can sing and play the guitar! He told me he sometimes has gigs in local pubs or whatever, isn't that so cool?!"

"Wow, that's cool," He replied, "Has he played anything to you yet?"

"No, but I really can't wait," I said, "I bet he's really good."

"I don't doubt it," Liam shrugged, "So, are you both like a thing? Boyfriends?"

"He hasn't asked," I bit my bottom lip, "I'm quite nervous about it, honestly. I know he fancies me a little, but I don't know to what extent."

"He's probably waiting for the right time to ask you," Liam assured, "Maybe he wants to go on a couple more dates, y'know? You've only just met, no need to rush."

"I can't help myself," I blushed, looking away, "I hate how much I like him already..."

"Don't over think it, Lou," Liam rubbed my arm, "He probably likes you more than you think."

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