Chapter 22

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"So...I wouldn't be able to go out with my boyfriend?" I asked, already knowing the dreaded answer.

"Yes, Harry," He said, "All you have to do is lie and you'll get your name on every billboard there is. Think about it, you'll be famous, driving expensive cars and living the life you've always wanted. It's worth it, Harry. You trust me, don't you?"


Harry's POV

I was speechless. My mind was running with thoughts and scenarios and all I could do was stare back at Richards' blank stare. He was waiting for me to answer, to decide my fate, and I could tell he was getting restless.

I figured he dealt with mostly heterosexual people, so giving up their personal life to date attractive and insanely popular female celebrities would be the least of their concerns. For me, even if I was faking a relationship with someone, it would absolutely shatter me to not be able to walk hand-in-hand with Louis on the street. I'd go mad without him by my side and I don't think I could manage to break his heart, no matter how much I loved him.

Yeah, I loved Louis. I'm in love with Louis and I can't let him slip away.

"I'm sorry, Richard," I apologized half-heartedly, "I appreciate the offer but I can't cope with the thought of having to pretend I'm in a relationship or whatever with a woman. Not only would it risk my current relationship, but I'm not going to let you push me back into the closet and pretend I'm okay with all this. My happiness comes first and if I can't have that, then I don't need fame for anything."

The room was deadly quiet. The people standing next to Richard were glancing at each other with wide eyes. Richard was glaring at me in a way I could only describe as intimidating, but I couldn't let that bother me. I wasn't going to let him push me around like a fucking puppet. I get the need to put me out there, but I am not allowing him to hide who I really am. I'm proud of myself, and at the end of the day, I'm a musician who makes music for those who want to hear. I'm not just a pretty face who just happens to make music.

"If you'll excuse me, I'll be heading out now," I said, "Thank you for this opportunity, I hope you find someone fit for the job description. Have a lovely afternoon."

I internally rolled my eyes at the silence and turned on my heel, stepping out of the office and only then realizing that I had just cost myself the job I've always wanted, but at least I could be happy.


"Hi, love!" Louis grinned at me as soon as he opened his front door. He had a welcoming grin on his face that made his eyes crinkle up in happiness, and it made my heart tighten. I loved his smile, I loved him.

Before I could even finish saying 'Hello', Louis pulled me in for a kiss and smacked his thin lips on my own. Even though I was upset about what happened earlier at the Recording company, I still managed to get butterflies in my stomach as I wrapped my arms around Louis and kissed him back.

Louis suddenly pulled back and gazed at my eyes curiously, "What's wrong, love? Are you alright?"

I chuckled bitterly, "Am I that transparent?"

Louis smiled half-heartedly and ran a hand through my messy curls, "Unfortunately...What happened, Harry?"

I sighed and Louis grabbed my hand and dragged me over to the couch. We sat down, closer to each other than normal, and Louis rested his hand on my knee, rubbing it comfortingly.

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