Chapter 14

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"I care a lot about you, Lou, and I don't want either of us hurt. I'll always be here for you, but I also want you to be there for me." He interrupted.

"I...I understand." I downcast my eyes and held back a choked tear.

I then left Harry's apartment, realizing how much my insecurities managed to quite possibly prejudice the only relationship I was ever happy in.


A couple weeks and exams later, my first semester was finally over. These last few weeks had been my most stressful and the library had been my retreat for very long hours. But all my hard work payed off and I walked into winter break with good grades and a weight lifted off my shoulders. least the weight of school work and assignments.

I still hadn't talked to Harry. I've been meaning to do that, although college was doing a pretty great job at holding me back. Liam thought I was using college as an excuse to not text Harry and I insisted in denying, simply because I knew my roommate was right and I didn't want to admit it.

So, with nothing to do, me and Liam were in our pijamas at three in the afternoon with bowls of cereal and watching re-runs of some random cartoons. We were both too tired to even do anything, but apparently Liam thought this was a perfect opportunity to talk some sense into me.

"Have you talked to Harry yet?" He asked, munching on some chocolate cereal.

I sighed, setting my half empty bowl on my lap, "I haven't."

"And has he tried to call you?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Harry's texted me a few times and even called me once, but I was studying and didn't have my phone with me," I replied, "I just...don't know what to say to him."

"Well, you could call him and work things out with him. He seems like a really comprehensive bloke," Liam shrugged.

I rolled my eyes, "It's not that easy, Li. He thinks I don't trust him."

"And you don't," He stated, matter-of-factly.

"I do!" I argued, "I just don't trust those...guys who constantly flirt with him at work. I hate not knowing if he's ever going to get sick of me and end up cheating. I wouldn't know what to do."

"First of all, Harry cares too much about you to give a shit about all those twinks," Liam stated, "Second, you really need to start trusting him more. Don't you think that if he was going to cheat on you, he wouldn't do that sooner? Why would he even bother getting into a relationship with you only to end up cheating? You really need to give him the benefit of the doubt."

"I don't know, Li..." I sighed, "What if he doesn't want to speak to me?"

"You told me he texted you," He answered, "So, there's your answer."

"I suppose you're right..." I admitted, "I'll text him after I'm done eating. I don't even know what to tell him."

"Just say you want to talk to him," Liam said, "Worst thing he could say is 'no'."


After a pretty tardy breakfast slash lunch, and a much needed shower, I laid in bed with a towel wrapped around my head and in only my briefs, staring at my phone without having a clue what to tell Harry. Usually, texting him wasn't this hard. Our conversations flowed pretty easily yet this one was making me nervous in all the wrong ways.

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