[Ruki Ending]

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"Hmmmm...? Koneko-chan, where are you going?" Laito asked Ruka as she opened the main door. She was about to exit with a few books in her hand but stopped as soon as she heard Laito's voice.

"I'll be returning these books I borrowed in the library...." Ruka replied softly.

"Have a safe trip!" Laito yelled as Ruka was walked off.


Ruka was able to return the books she borrowed but she decided to read a few more before returning.

She got a pile of books and sat on the last available table. Beside her was a sleeping boy but she didn't mind. She flipped through the pages quietly, not wanting to disturb the boy beside her.

The suddenly moved which surprised Ruka. He strenched his arms and yawned before facing Ruka. "Elizabeth!?" The boy shouted then immediatly covered his mouth. Ruka also seemed shocked to see Ruki but then she just gave him a warm smile.

"Im sorry... I shouldn't have called you with that name..." Ruki said with an apologetic voice. "I still remembered the time I called you with that name.... you cried so hard..." guilt slowly built up while he spoke. Ruki clenched his fist and bit his lip while saying, "It's my fault. I shouldn't have come up with that stupid Idea to kidnap you and erased your memories."

Ruki bit his lip so hard that blood trickled down from his mouth. Suddenly, he felt a warm hand cover his. Ruka held on his hand and smiled. Somehow this made Ruki even more guilty. He held Ruka's hand with both of his as he said, "That's not all there is! Remember when Yui lost all her blood? That... that was me! An-" Ruki was cut off by Ruka's lips on his. He gladly returned the kiss even though the metalic taste dominated his mouth.

Once they broke the kiss, both of them had a flushed face. (Especially Ruka) "I-I was trying to stop the bleeding on your lips...." Ruka said ever so embarassed. This made Ruki chuckle and say, "Thank you then."

"Ehem! This is a library, not a motel!" The librarian shouted

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"Ehem! This is a library, not a motel!" The librarian shouted. And just like that, they were kicked out of the library.

"Im sorry...." Ruka said feeling guilty. "No, I should be saying that," Ruki replied. Ruka looked up and met eyes with Ruki. Astonished, Ruki stared at Ruka's captivating eyes. They both slowly leaned in and felt eachothers lips.

No words were needed to express their feeling for they both know where their hearts lay.

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