Chapter 27

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"I need you all to sit down," Karl Heinz spoke while sitting in front of the dining table. The brothers and Ruka each took a seat.

"What is this about father?" Reiji asked after he sat down. "This is about princess Elizabeth," Heinz said before glancing at the maiden. Heinz cleared his throat before saying, "I know you all are aware that princess Elizabeth is a royalty...but there is more to it. Herald, princess Elizabeth's father, is the past Vampire King. The girl you know as Ruka is actually King Herald Vasco's daughter, Princess Elizabeth Vasco. The Royal blood flows through princess Elizabeth and so she must be crowned Queen." "WHAT!!!???" All the brothers reacted. "I thought the royal blood runs through us?" Shu questioned. Heinz shook his head No and said, "No, Herald simply passed me the throne to take care of until the princess is ready to take it. All this was planned in the condition that his daughter marries one of you and be crowned king." The brother's eyes widened and some even blushed. "B-but we can't do that!" Subaru shouted as he slammed his hands on the table. "Why not?" Heinz asked. "Because we don't even know how Ruka feels about the marriage!" Subaru explained. All the brothers stared at Ruka waiting for a response. Ruka tilted her head to the side and asked, "What's marriage?" Some of the brothers blushed and had their own scenario with Ruka.

"Do you, Shu Sakamaki, take Elizabeth Vasco as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest spoke as I take my bride's hand. I smiled before saying, "I do." I stared at Ruka's red eyes as the priest continued, "Do you, Elizabeth Vasco, take Shu Sakamaki as your lawfully wedded husband?" Ruka held my hand tighter and blushed before saying the two words that I have been waiting for, "I do."

Just a few hours and I will be able to do it. I will be able to marry the girl I love. I tried finding Ruka before I would marry her. I then saw her standing infront of the garden so I approached her. I held her hand and embraced her back while saying, "Don't be nervous... once we officially marry you won't have to worry about anything." I twirled her around until she was facing me. I kissed her forehead which made her blush. I chuckled to myself knowing that the girl standing before me would be my wife for as long as I live.

"By the authority vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife," The priest spoke before everyone clapped. The priest spoke once again saying, "You may now kiss the bride." I faced Ruka and so did she. I smiled at her before saying, "as promised... I will be your first in everything. But this time I will not only take your first but also your last. I will be the first and last man that you will marry." I leaned closer and Ruka closed her eyes. My lips then pressed unto hers. Finally she is mine and mine only.

Ruka and I both sat on the bed and stared at each other. I tucked her hair behind her ear to make me see her clearly. I don't know why but this is the first time I felt uneasy with a woman. This is definitely going to be her first and that makes me happy but also scared. I don't want to hurt her.... Suddenly I felt two hands grab my cheeks. "R-Ruka?" I asked anxiously. "Im happy I married you..." she said while blushing. Ugh! Screw it! I hovered on top of her and said, "Stop being so cute.... I might lose my sanity."

"Daddy! Mommy! I love you so much!" Our little angel spoke which made me and my wife smile. I carried my little girl and said, "I love you too honey... but you know who else I love...?" "Mommy!!!" My little one shouted as I gave a heartful laugh. Ruka smiled at us but I saw a little blush creep on her cheeks. I put my little girl down and made my way to my wife. I kneeled so our face would be the same level. "I love you... Ruka...." I said as I held her hand. "I love you too Kanato...."

"We're here!" I screamed before kicking the door open. I carried Ruka in my arms as I enter the new house we have as a married couple. I went straight to the bedroom and I set her down on the bed. She laughed as she also pulled me in bed. I smiled while I look at her laugh. Why is my wife so damn beautiful? I let my arm rest on top of her waist and I pulled her closer. She snuggled on my chest and I heard her whisper, "I love you so much...." I smiled and said, "Me too...."

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